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"For Justice"

Writer's picture: Michael FolkMichael Folk

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

Bismallah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem. Al Hamdu Lillah Rabbill Alameen.

"For liberty, for justice, for all" - How can there be liberty (freedom - and peace - ) if there is no justice?

For all? How can there be liberty (freedom and peace) if the world economic system has favors/positions/imbalances...

How can the U.N. and others - the W.H.O., the U.S., Europeans, etc., say we support freedom (and peace and "progress") when it takes actions that force other countries and leaders onto (and into - actions) their own worldviews (the "rules-based international order") while rejecting the security and sovereignty of others (Russia for example) and saying it supports democracy (eastern Ukraine Donbas region - shelled for 8 long years by their own government, foreign language banned - that is not democracy - that's genocide).


For liberty for justice for all...-> time. That's Allah - Subhannah Wal Taaalaa ﷾﷾﷾

Only God knows all things and is, therefore, The Only One qualified to give full justice and peace and "security". "Master of the day of...". Glorious and exalted He is (above all things). All the heavens and creation bow down and stand in amazement at/of Him - except Iblis - and man and jinn we're...arrogant. Haughty. Weak. Prone to talking back, defending self, etc. (ego). Made a slip. Adam Alayhi As-Salaam - sent down in this lowly worldly life for a time - to be tested - we will be brought back to Allah - so where(ever) are you going and running off to?


It is necessary but hard in this time and place to stand and speak out against all the bad - 'enjoining the good and forbidding evil'. It can be kind of stressful, especially if one is an introvert, to be quite different (and so, having to explain intelligently to the better of ones abilities in the moment) and call for action and change - to stand. A book am reading - "Collective Illusions" - actually goes into how not being accepted by society and our peers actually causes physiological stress reactions in the body that can then manifest in actual physical pain. Even our online interactions (social media) has/can have the same kind of social effects - being liked and also disliked - which makes sense given that collectively our society is more disconnected in terms of real physical social connections but people, especially the youth, are very, or can get, very addicted to online interactive services (apps), especially females; But what if one is on a different spiritual level and has very good mastery over themselves and their energy -


Amazing video: - Man - the video was removed., well, Scott Ritter speaks of Putin and the Russian people and how they have a different conception regarding the role of the individual - more about - Sacrifice for the greater good. Doing the right thing. The pain of the Russian people after World War II and the 90s. The everyday heroes who, even if they have all kinds of problems and things there dealing with mentally and otherwise, how they just press on and keep going...: If Russia doesn't win this war the world is DOOMED

It's back up (3.22.23):



Made me mad - Why...(Putin...)...(Africa)...(indoctrination - ideologies of - the West...) why would one who calls themselves a scholar, still think/believe, America and the West have Africa's (and the Middle East's) best interests at heart? Why would one think that the elites of the world have a care about a poor person in Africa? These are killers - liars - they can't be trusted - deals made (international deals and agreements) and actions taken (on the world stage) that go beyond all limits and leading the world to possible bi-polaristic(...) and nuclear war and killing and slaughter and destruction (Ukraine). For what...?. This dunya (low worldly life)? C'mon now -

Africa - what does one think of when they hear the word Africa in one word? In my mind - exploitation. Two words? - exploitative subjugation.

Why would the 3rd and 2nd world countries of the world trust the West? Actually, I would say, that the 2nd world countries are now becoming the "leaders" of the world - to whom the 3rd world countries look to for examples and for help. - The West with America in the lead is only hurting itself at this point - look at the Ukraine war situation right now and the sanctions backfiring on Europe. America's moving towards (along with much of the West) economic militarisitc nationalism - I mean, we are supporting Nazi's in Ukraine - just trying to cut and kill some more Russians even though it's resulting in the destruction of Ukraine as any type of decent state and place to live and Ukrainians are being sent to their graves via their leaders and being led to extremist paths (possible, definitely - hell fire awaits terrorists).

- I see so many of the Ukrainian supporters on Twitter who have seemingly lost their minds and humanity and seemingly only want blood and support Ukraine no matter what, no matter the costs, losing all sense and reasoning - thinking ability. So much nonsense is fed to us via media and false news saying Russians are crazy low I.Q. - don't know how to fight, being slaughtered, losing so so much, when actually the hysteria is found in the West and the Ukraine supporters. Putin and the Russians are calm and going about business. It's a "special military operation" (SMO) and has been. They haven't declared all out war. They haven't just embarked on en-masse destruction - bombing of Kiev. They could if they wanted to. They could destroy Ukraine and all of the NATO bases around Ukraine, training and being used as logistical transport (military) hubs. They have hyper-sonic missiles. They are Russia. - 1.8 times the size of the United States. The U.S. military and all of NATO would have a hell of a war on their hands if we undertook conventional war against Russia trying to invade upon them in their territory. It's over. Bahkmut is lost - Russia is securing the East of Ukraine, nullifying the strongest defensive positions/lines. Ukraine is running low on men, running low on supplies, running low in moral - moral especially that is composed and steady - that's what is needed in a war - a battle situation ("sabr" - patience, steadfastness, forbearance) not just angry and foolhardiness kind of thinking that can get one and ones subordinates killed in a war.


I don't understand the support of Israel from Christians and Jewish people in the West. The Bible says "Do not kill". Do not steal. Do not envy thy neighbor. Love thy neighbor. Fear God The Most High. - Don't ruin your soul. Don't ruin your heart. Don't hold/harbor so much hatred inside. Heal up. Repent. Plant good. Trust in God though. - So who are God's people on this Earth right now? May God forgive us and may the world go to a better state - a more peaceful and sane state of affairs than this and these situations.

Okay video...interesting:

Hold to truth, do good work, be humble, have patience.

Who would want war with Russia and China and over what? For what? (hint, hint: - Michael Hudson - "Super Imperialism"). Who would want to go and be sent to and have to kill - even North Koreans? Over what? Think I care enough to risk and lay down own's life and killing (killing in the name of) people because of....? - "Now you do what they tell ya" (Rage Against the Machine - lyrics). No...why is it America's job and the blood of the working people, their lives, their families' hardships, to lay down life and limb for these people in Washington or Milan or London or



Amazing speech by George Galloway - what a great man. He should be the P.M. of Britain in my humble opinion. Peace be upon him and his family.


honorable gentleman Gallant officers of

0:13 the military

0:16 there's an awful lot of fighters in here

0:18 have you noticed they're all ready to

0:19 fight

0:22 I would have opposed this Motion in

0:24 1933. for the reasons Adam bretted by my

0:28 colleagues and their opening speeches

0:32 in fact I would have been the first in

0:34 the queue of the recruiting office

0:37 had I been alive to fight fascism indeed

0:41 I would have been agitating

0:43 to fight fascism in Spain three years

0:46 before the second World War

0:50 in 1936 both of my grandfathers

0:54 fought fascism

0:55 under Montgomery

0:57 all the way from El Alamein to Monte

1:00 Casino

1:05 Lance Bond foreign

1:09 battery 2 Army Cadet Force I'm a former

1:13 Cadet in the Royal Marines

1:16 a pool endorse it

1:18 I'm not a pacifist

1:21 in fact I'll go five rounds with Tobias

1:23 Elwood

1:25 after the debate if he's up for it

1:29 and I'm twice his age

1:30 [Applause]

1:34 [Music]

1:35 but the people on the other side arguing

1:37 against this motion have already damned

1:41 most of the wars that I came here to

1:45 oppose you you even opposed the first

1:48 World War

1:49 and the Afghan War and the Iraq War

1:55 Tobias Elwood tells us he opposed the

1:59 Iraq War

2:00 I missed up

2:03 when I was leading the fight against it

2:05 but I'm delighted

2:07 that nowadays you cannot find anyone

2:11 who will support

2:13 these wars the our politicians gave us

2:18 in this 21st century

2:21 you are quite wrong yes

2:32 no I don't agree with the intervention

2:36 in either of those those cases a better

2:38 case could have been made for the

2:41 Falklands

2:42 an intervention I did support put that

2:46 in your pipe and smoke it because that

2:49 was a direct attack

2:53 on British people

2:55 British citizens

2:57 and I supported it but the examples you

3:00 give are not good ones I'm sorry I gave

3:03 way to you

3:04 I'm not going to dwell on the king

3:09 it's just as well he's got a divine

3:10 right to be king because nobody would

3:13 ever have picked him

3:14 least of all his own family on this day

3:19 in

3:20 1649 on this day the ramp Parliament a

3:25 better Parliament than we have today

3:27 passed the following motion

3:30 the office of a king

3:34 in this land

3:36 is unnecessary

3:39 burdensome and dangerous to the life and

3:43 Liberty

3:44 and public interest of the people of

3:48 this nation

3:49 I wish the parliament would pass that

3:51 motion today

3:54 I'm not going to dwell on the king for

3:56 it would be an absurdity as has been

3:59 acknowledged here

4:01 that because King Charles tells you

4:03 you've got to go and fight and die in a

4:06 war you're going to do it

4:09 utterly absurd so let's turn to Country

4:13 who is the country what is the country

4:16 who are you going to fight for Rishi

4:20 sunak

4:23 you you are bridged the lack of height

4:27 of my colleague have you seen Rishi

4:31 sunak

4:35 in fact

4:37 [Music]

4:39 if you if you push the landscape on

4:42 sunak's shoulders you still wouldn't

4:44 even get a Napoleon these are small men

4:49 are you really going to follow give them

4:51 a blank check yes I'll fight for you

4:54 Rishi sunak

4:57 you only have to roll the name

5:00 or his predecessor

5:03 what was our name

5:05 Liz truss are you telling me they have

5:08 less trusts said you had to go to war

5:11 and die you do it because she was the

5:15 Prime Minister

5:16 Tony Blair

5:19 Tony Blair yes I knew you were an I knew

5:23 you were an idiot from the sunglasses

5:25 that you are wearing

5:29 Tony Blair anyone

5:33 Tony Blair anyone

5:35 who caused the death of a million people

5:40 and Counting who cascaded fanatic

5:44 islamist extremism around the world you

5:48 call them spores the murder Cult of Isis

5:52 Al-Qaeda

5:54 the head chopping throat Cutters The

5:57 Million Dead Iraqis and you want to do

6:00 all again

6:02 by signing a blank check to Tobias

6:05 Elwood

6:07 he told you did you notice the word that

6:09 he the caveat that he slipped in for you

6:12 there's no conscription

6:15 yet he said did you notice it

6:19 he was on television less than two weeks

6:23 ago calling for martial law to be

6:27 introduced in this country



and if we had martial law we wouldn't be

6:42 having this debate

6:44 and that might not be long before you

6:47 can take off your farha and put on a ten

6:50 one

6:51 and go off the fight and die

6:55 on the question of whether copiansk

6:59 is on one side of a line

7:02 when it's been in four different

7:04 countries in the last hundred years you

7:06 ready to die for that

7:08 because I'm not

7:10 and I'm not ready for sure

7:13 to give a blank check to politicians

7:16 to command my loyalty

7:19 my loyalty is to God to my religion I

7:22 believe in Saint Thomas aquinas's

7:26 concept of the just War I'll fight in a

7:30 just War if somebody attacks us I'll

7:33 fight them

7:35 getting on in years as I am

7:39 I'll tell my son to go and fight them

7:41 all of my sons all of my daughters for a

7:45 just cause

7:47 but you're not fighting for a just cause

7:50 if you sign up to the concept that you

7:54 will fight for king and country

7:58 because that's an unqualified

8:01 commitment that you are making


I would fight for Russia in their just war and in their economic ideological cause for a just and fair multi-polar world.


care after combat looking

9:09 after people that have been abandoned by

9:13 the politicians that Gailey sent them

9:16 into war where is Tommy Atkins he's on

9:20 the streets with the homeless people

9:22 where is Tommy Atkins

9:25 he's in the mental health hospital

9:27 damaged and abundant by those that sent

9:30 him into war where is Tommy Atkins he's

9:34 disproportionately in the prison system

9:37 and not as a Warder where is Tommy

9:40 Atkins

9:41 he's disproportionately hooked on drugs

9:45 he's in Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester

9:48 I've picked him up myself

9:51 hooked on Fentanyl

9:53 and all these new opioids that's what

9:57 Tommy Atkins

9:59 ends up doing

10:01 in Tori Britain they send these men off

10:05 to war filled with their fake patriotism

10:09 King and Country straw hats and trumpets

10:13 and when they come back they have no use

10:15 for them they leave them to rot on the

10:19 streets without houses jobs Futures hope

10:24 so don't come here and wave your flags

10:28 at me don't come here

10:31 and sound the tinny brass trumpet of

10:35 your patriotism yes we will fight

10:40 for the working people of this country

10:42 yes we will fight for the good things

10:45 about our way of life by the way when

10:47 did you fall out of love with using

10:50 Armed Force to take territory

10:53 we we control 25

10:56 of the entire world's surface and ruled

11:00 one third of the people of the world

11:03 under our flag all of it taken by armed

11:07 Conquest all of those people held in

11:11 subjugation by the British Empire and

11:14 now they want to parade as if they were

11:16 Boy Scouts the oppose the acquisition of

11:20 other people's territory by force these

11:23 hypocrites

11:25 Robert Burns my national poet put it

11:29 this way in an ode on the occasion of a

11:33 national Thanksgiving

11:35 ye Hypocrites are these your pranks

11:40 to Murder Men and give God thanks

11:44 halt! desist! go nay farther!

11:48 God'll no accept your thanks for

11:51 murder

I move



"I think if anyone has

0:31 to apologize right now it's me as an American who uh you know my taxpayer dollars are being used to

0:37 wage a proxy world war against Russia well Jackson thank you so much at the same time you know I have

0:44 to say that on the personal level I love America I spend a lot of years working in the United States

0:50 and have no problem with people of America the only problems they do have with politicians of

0:55 the United States that are not willing to tell the truth and they're not willing to face the

1:01 reality and nowadays when they're supporting Nazi regime and their line to the face of the American

1:08 people that's uh that's very disappointing but how do you see it all from the United States because

1:15 you saw your president in Ukraine on the present days and in Poland but not in the United States

1:23 where there are a lot of problems and a lot of places where people are waiting for the president

1:31 you're exactly right I mean the American people feel just you know left out to dry

1:36 essentially we've got President's Day underway in the U.S right now and Joe Biden is having a

1:42 little tour through Ukraine and through Poland as he promises to send hundreds of millions more

1:48 dollars in military supports weapons munition uh to Ukraine as they continue to escalate this proxy

1:56 war against the Russian people okay and as you pointed out we've got a lot of problems here we've

2:01 got probably 500 to 600 000 homeless Americans that are wondering where they're going to get

2:07 their next meal each and every day and just as we're recording this in East Palestine Ohio which

2:15 is Middle America it's part of the you know it's part of the region of our country that built what

2:20 America is today there are many people suffering right now with no help no Aid no assistance from

2:28 the federal government or the Biden Administration and as they are suffering from the health impacts

2:33 of a trained derailment in a controlled burn of chemicals that are being released into the

2:39 atmosphere into the Waterway right now so a lot of people are wondering why is Joe Biden

2:44 muddling around in Ukraine if he's the president of America you know it's a question I think we all

2:50 know the answer to it's a rhetorical one but it's a it's a question and the answer that is to be

2:55 provided is that simply he stands with Ukraine more than he stands with the American people



but what's the point what's the point of all this American activity in Europe what's the

3:10 real purpose of all this well the American people understand full and well that Russia

3:17 and China are two major Commodities producing Nations they are Russia and particular as a

3:23 nation that upholds you know traditional Family Values Russia is a nation that is not trying to

3:29 sexualize children or anything of the sort and America specifically Joe Biden the Democratic

3:35 party neo-conservative members of the Republican Party understand that that is a threat to what

3:43 they want to instill upon the American populace okay Russia becoming strong represents hope

3:48 for so many across the world that have fallen victim uh to the United States as imperialism

3:54 and you know the London's imperialism for many many decades now and Russia is not bending the

4:01 knee it's not rolling over and you know admitting defeat and Russia understands that if they did do

4:07 that they would end up like the nations of of Syria or Libya or the former Yugoslavia not to

4:13 say that they rolled over and accepted defeat but they would be Russia would be Rubble so I as an

4:19 American as an American Patriot as an American Patriot even more specifically whose ancestors

4:26 sailed to this country on the Mayflower wrote the Mayflower Compact fought in the American

4:30 Revolution I'm very happy to see what the Russians and the Russian people and your allies are doing

4:37 but how come that Russia that for so many years loved America and loved the American

4:43 people and were all there for the United States and now we ended up as the number

4:49 one threat for the United States although we never made a step against the United States

4:54 when the tragedy of 9 11 happened our present was the first one to place a call and we actually

5:03 we did whatever we could even that was a mistake right now to understand helping in Afghanistan

5:09 but when it all went wrong and how come that America lost Russia and probably for good

5:19 I think America has lost Russia for good assuming that the leadership class in America does not

5:26 change and the reason for this is because as we kind of just discussed Russia refused to

5:32 bend the knee Russia says that we are a sovereign country sure we can reflect we

5:37 can respect the fact that maybe America wants to try and maintain this unipolarity this hegemony

5:42 across the globe and Putin even said this as such I believe in 2016 when he was talking to

5:48 Oliver Stone in those famous documentaries he said you know if the West if the United

5:54 States wants to try and maintain This Global Supremacy they can try to do that so long as

5:59 they don't meddle in The Sovereign Affairs of Russia which obviously they've done in your

6:05 media in your uh you're trying to infiltrate your labor unions trying to infiltrate corporations

6:10 trying to infiltrate government you know running these proxy candidates that are sellouts to the

6:16 American CIA to infiltrate your government and all of the that has failed up until this point

6:21 thanks in large part due to the leadership of Vladimir Putin so now the United States has

6:26 taken the gloves off and is waging an all-out war against Russian civilization and it didn't

6:32 work when Napoleon tried this it didn't work when Hitler tried this I don't think it's going

6:37 to work now but they're giving it everything they've got and I think matters are worse than

6:41 they've ever been between the United States and Russia even in the Cold War the United

6:47 States and the Soviet Union still had lines of communication open we don't have that now and

6:53 as a result of all the treaties and agreements that the West has broken refuse to implement and

6:59 frankly torn up over the past several decades Russia now today as we saw in Putin's amazing

7:04 Illuminating speech in the uh before the federal assembly said that you know Russia was going to

7:09 be suspending its participation and the start agreement so I don't think things are added in

7:16 the right direction it's not because of Russia it's because of the United States




21 principles in the path of aloneness

0:06 by Miyamoto Musashi

0:10 number one

0:11 accept everything just the way it is

0:16 rather than wish for a life without

0:18 suffering look for the strength to

0:21 Suffer Well and overcome it in the end

0:25 number two

0:27 do not seek pleasure for its own sake

0:29 reject Pleasures which only bring

0:32 short-term gratification suffer today

0:35 and live tomorrow as a king among men

0:39 number three

0:41 do not under any circumstances depend on

0:45 a partial feeling

0:47 take your time to consider an important

0:49 decision

0:50 weigh its merits with unclouded judgment

0:52 and you will make the right choice when

0:54 the time comes

0:57 number four

0:58 think lightly of yourself and deeply of

1:02 the world

1:03 if you only focus on yourself you will

1:06 miss the Wonder and knowledge that the

1:08 world has to offer




People's Podcast • 3.9K views



0:03 is the Primal sin

0:05 from which all other sins derive

0:08 idols

0:10 tempt us to become God

0:13 they demand the sacrifice of others

0:17 in the Mad quest for wealth

0:20 Fame

0:21 and Power

0:23 but the idol always ends by requiring

0:26 self-sacrifice

0:29 leaving us to perish on the blood-soaked

0:32 altars we erected for others

0:36 for Empires are not murdered

0:39 they commit suicide at the feet of the

0:43 idols that entrance them

0:46 we are here today

0:48 to denounce

0:50 the unelected

0:52 unaccountable

0:54 High Priests of Empire who funnel the

0:58 bodies of millions of victims along with

1:01 trillions

1:03 of dollars of our national wealth into

1:06 the bowels of our own version of the

1:09 Canaanite Idol Malik

1:13 [Applause]

1:14 thank you

1:16 the political class

1:19 the media

1:21 the entertainment industry the

1:23 financiers and even religious

1:25 institutions

1:27 Bay like wolves

1:30 for the blood of Muslims

1:33 or Russians

1:35 or Chinese

1:37 or whoever the idol has demonized as

1:40 Unworthy of life

1:43 there were no rational objectives in the

1:46 wars in Iraq Afghanistan Syria Libya and

1:52 Somalia and there are none in Ukraine

1:58 permanent War

2:00 an industrial Slaughter are their owny

2:03 justification


3:05 these pimps of War do not see the

3:08 corpses of their victims

3:11 I did

3:12 including children

3:15 every lifeless body

3:17 I stood over as a reporter

3:20 in Guatemala

3:22 El Salvador Nicaragua Palestine Iraq

3:27 Sudan Yemen Bosnia and Kosovo month

3:32 after month

3:34 year after year

3:36 exposed their moral bankruptcy

3:39 intellectual dishonesty

3:42 sick bloodlust and delusional fantasies

3:47 they are the puppets of the Pentagon a

3:50 state within a state and the weapons

3:52 manufacturers who lavishly fund their

3:56 think tanks project for The New American

3:59 Century foreign policy initiative

4:02 American Enterprise Institute Center for

4:05 a new American Security Institute for

4:09 the study of War Atlantic Council and

4:12 Brookings Institute

4:17 like some mutant strain of an antibiotic

4:22 resistant bacteria they cannot be

4:25 vanquished it does not matter how wrong

4:28 they are how absurd their theories of

4:30 global dominance or how many times they

4:34 lie or denigrate other cultures and

4:37 societies as uncivilized or how many

4:41 they condemn to death

4:42 they are immovable props

4:45 parasites vomited up in the dying days

4:49 of Empire ready to sell us the next

4:52 virtuous war against whoever they have

4:55 decided is the new Hitler

5:00 the map changes

5:03 but the game is the same

5:06 pity our Prophets

5:08 those who wander the desolate landscape

5:12 crying out in the Darkness

5:14 pity Julian Assange undergoing a slow

5:18 motion execution in a high security

5:20 prison in London

5:23 he committed the Empire's fatal sin

5:26 he exposed its crimes its Machinery of

5:30 death

5:31 it's moral depravity

5:34 a society that prohibits the capacity to

5:37 speak in truth

5:39 extinguishes the capacity to live

5:42 Injustice

5:50 some here today might like to think of

5:52 themselves as radicals

5:55 maybe even revolutionaries

5:58 but what we are demanding on the

6:00 political spectrum is in fact

6:02 conservative

6:04 it is the restoration of the rule of law

6:08 it is simple and basic

6:13 it should not in a functioning Republic

6:16 be incendiary

6:19 but living in truth it is in a despotic

6:22 system one the political philosopher

6:25 Sheldon wolin called inverted

6:27 totalitarianism is an act of subversion

6:32 The Architects of imperialism the

6:35 masters of war the corporate controlled

6:38 legislative judicial and executive

6:41 branches of government and their

6:43 obsequious mouthpieces in the media and

6:46 Academia are illegitimate

6:52 say this simple truth and you are

6:55 banished as many of us have been to the

6:57 margins prove this truth as Julian did

7:01 and you are crucified

7:04 Red Rosa now has vanished to

7:08 Berto BRAC wrote of the murdered

7:11 socialist Rosa Luxembourg

7:14 she told the poor what life is about

7:18 and so the rich have rubbed her out

7:22 we have undergone a corporate coup

7:24 d'etat

7:25 where the poor and working men and women

7:28 60 percent of whom lack four hundred

7:31 dollars to cover an emergency expense

7:34 are reduced to Chronic instability

7:38 joblessness and food insecurity are

7:41 endemic our communities and cities are

7:44 desolate

7:46 War

7:47 Financial speculation

7:49 constant surveillance and militarized

7:52 police that function as internal armies

7:56 of occupation

7:57 are the only real concerns of the state

8:00 even habeas corpus no longer exists

8:05 we as Citizens are Commodities to

8:07 corporate systems of power used and

8:11 discarded

8:13 and the endless Wars we fight overseas

8:16 have spawned the wars we fight at home

8:20 as the students I teach in the New

8:23 Jersey prison system are acutely aware

8:26 all Empires die in the same Act of

8:31 self-immolation

8:33 The Tyranny that the Athenian Empire

8:35 imposed on others thucydides noted in

8:38 his history of the Peloponnesian War it

8:41 finally imposed on itself

8:45 to fight back

8:47 to reach out

8:48 and help the weak the oppressed and the

8:51 suffering

8:52 to save the planet from ecocide

8:55 to decry the domestic and international

8:58 Crimes of the ruling class

9:00 to demand Justice

9:03 to live in truth

9:05 to smash the graven images is to Bear

9:09 The Mark of Cain

9:12 those in power must feel our wrath which

9:17 means acts of sustained non-violent

9:20 Civil Disobedience social and political

9:24 disruption

9:25 [Applause]

9:29 organized power from below is the only

9:31 Power that can save us

9:33 politics is a game of fear

9:37 and it is our duty to make those in

9:40 power very very afraid

9:44 foreign

9:48 the ruling oligarchy has locked us in

9:52 its death grip it cannot be reformed it

9:55 obscures and falsifies the truth it is

10:00 on a maniacal quest to increase this

10:03 obscene wealth and unchecked power it

10:06 forces us to kneel before its false gods

10:10 and so

10:12 to quote the Queen of Hearts

10:14 metaphorically of course I say

10:18 Off With Their Heads



Pretty good vids - I didn't watch all.

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"and the pincers are clearly intended to

15:59 close around them as well so a grim picture all together in Batman

16:05 I would say actually a disastrous one and I'm going to go back now briefly and

16:11 touch on this thing that I've been constantly you know every single person who's been discussing the fighting

16:19 embankment um comes up against these sort of comments

16:25 occasionally which is that it doesn't seem very

16:30 impressive if the Russian army has taken seven months to capture a small place

16:36 like Batman well perhaps or perhaps not it seems to me a

16:44 far more valid question a a far more proper response to the fighting in

16:51 Batman is to say that yes the ukrainians were able to hold back the Russians

16:57 embarkment for seven months but at what price

17:02 was the price that Ukraine is paying these bodies that litter the landscape

17:09 these enormous casualties that even Ukrainian sources acknowledge

17:16 these enormous casualties which the BND the German intelligence agency

17:23 was warning the bundestag about a short time ago

17:28 is it worth it has Ukraine lost more

17:34 than it has gained and I'm talking now purely in terms of military calculus I'm

17:40 not putting into account the humanitarian aspects of this move has it

17:47 lost more than it gained by holding on to Bachmann for so long well I'm not a

17:53 military person but I would say that no delay

17:59 in the fall of a town like Bachman could possibly be worth the price that Ukraine is paying for it

18:07 that's my own personal view others are free to take it

18:13 a different View but anyway that is my view



of these reports say because it seems that the Russians have managed to hold

21:56 on to pretty much all of the gains that they made in the initial fighting there

22:01 and it seems again that Russian Artillery fire in and around full

22:07 glitter is becoming overwhelmingly heavy something which by the way tends to

22:13 corroborate my own personal view that the fighting in Vogue

22:19 is not some sort of diversion pinning down Ukrainian forces

22:24 but rather that the Russians do actually intend to capture vugulada and again let

22:32 me say once more I think they will do so and I think the danger is that Ukraine

22:39 could find itself in the same kind of trap in Vogue

22:44 that is made for itself in bhagmat it's determination to defend every millimeter

22:51 of ground to defend places like vugleta and Bachman means that It suffers

22:59 disproportionately heavy losses Beyond which

23:04 beyond the point when those losses even on the most brutal

23:11 military calculus become either logical or sustainable

23:18 anyway I'm going to just return to what karchenko the journalist who's been to

23:24 bahmud was saying about the fact that he noticed that Ukrainian resistance the

23:31 strength of Ukrainian resistance around Bachman seems to be ebbing that Ukrainian counter-attacks are becoming

23:39 weaker that Ukrainian defenses are not being held as toughly as they were a few

23:47 weeks ago and by the way that is entirely consistent with what we've been

23:54 seeing on the ground in Bachmann over the last few weeks since the new year

24:00 there's been a marked acceleration in Russian advances as I've discussed previously we had bachmotsky captured

24:08 solidar captured

24:17 there's reports of other places in and around back which been captured all in the north there was opinion

24:24 and the Russians are now as I said either

24:31 or very close or pushing towards it whatever and so we can definitely see

24:37 that there's been a significant increase in the tempo of Russian advances in

24:43 brachmud in the area of Batman over the last two months and

24:49 it seems that something similar may be starting to happen in the SWAT of

24:55 cremena area specifically now I

25:00 have given some reports I've discussed reports from Russian reporters on the

25:06 ground a person called starshare Eddie old Eddie or somebody pointed out to me

25:12 that's what it basically means he's a rather colorful but again reliable

25:18 Russian journalist if white one allows for his particular biases

25:24 and he was talking about the fact that Russian activity in this vato volcanoia

25:30 area is essentially defensive that the Russians have been probing forward

25:35 capturing odd Hills Physicians Ukrainian positions

25:41 but that they're not really engaging in any all-out offensive in this area but

25:48 there's now been another report from cremena from the area around cremena and

25:53 it's very similar to the one that came from harchenko in

26:01 Bahamut it said that the strength of Ukrainian resistance

26:07 seems to be gradually ebbing the ukrainians are still fighting

26:12 they're still providing an organized resistance we're certainly not talking about any collapse or any kind of route

26:19 or anything like that but the Russians are finding

26:24 that the fighting is becoming easier that it's becoming easier to advance against Ukrainian

26:32 forces that Ukrainian counter-attacks are not pressed with the same energy as

26:40 they used to be and overall that the situation on the battlefronts is on that

26:47 particular Battlefront seems to be shifting towards the Russians as well and it's difficult it seems to me to

26:56 doubt that the factors that are underpinning all of this

27:02 firstly these enormous casualties that Ukraine has absorbed

27:09 again this massive amount of discussion as to how heavy those are but I've seen

27:15 suggestions that perhaps as many as a hundred thousand Ukrainian soldiers have been killed others put it higher than

27:22 that I've seen figures that put it much higher than that but as I said it's difficult to give any precise estimate

27:30 others on top of those hundred thousand if that it is a hundred thousand one must assume

27:38 hundreds of thousands more who have been wounded some of them Gravely wounded

27:44 and I think I said in my program yesterday that increasing numbers of

27:50 ukrainians are now saying that they know someone who has been killed in the

27:57 fighting and there's been more and more reports now including one in the London Times by the way today

28:04 which discuss the mystery of the missing Ukrainian soldiers this has been talked

28:12 about in newspaper articles now in many newspaper articles has been touched on

28:18 by The Washington Post the New York Times The Wall Street Journal now the London times that Ukraine's losses are

28:26 becoming so great that they are becoming impossible to hide

28:31 and let me reiterate again one doesn't get anything like the same impression on

28:37 the other side one doesn't get the impression that Russian losses have reached anything like that level

28:44 whatever view you have of the numbers of losses that the Russians have

28:50 experienced in this war so that's one factor another Factor

28:56 undoubtedly is that Ukraine is becoming increasingly short of certain types of weapon systems

29:05 and of course going back to what Joseph Burrell and others have been saying one

29:10 does get the sense that ammunition artillery rounds for 152 millimeters

29:17 Soviet artillery still used by Ukraine and 155 millimeter Nato artillery also

29:27 now used by Ukraine that artillery rounds ammunition

29:34 is starting to run short and that Ukraine is increasingly lacking

29:40 in artillery the the moreover that the Russian

29:48 counter battery operation has been increasingly effective that more and

29:54 more Ukrainian guns have been successfully knocked out by the Russians

29:59 but anyway that there is a shortage of ammunition perhaps a shortage of guns

30:05 apparently even a shortage of light weapons I I was seeing a report

30:13 recently that one Ukrainian unit has now converted

30:19 to Western rifles you know that they've traded in there or rather they've given

30:25 up on their kalashnikovs and that they're now using Western rifles I find that a bit surprising by the way I

30:31 wonder whether that is because of ammunition and rifle shortages because to be frank there are tens upon tens of

30:39 millions of Kalashnikov rifles floating around the world or at least millions of

30:45 them and I would have thought that there's no Global shortage of Kalashnikov ammunition but you know what

30:52 do I know maybe maybe the ukrainians really are running into problems even with their light weapons but anyway

30:58 overall it is an increasingly Grim picture on the battlefronts and that

31:05 brings me now to the various pieces of further news

31:10 that we've been seeing and we've had a number of very very interesting

31:15 reports firstly it's been a very interesting report in Bloomberg about

31:21 the real price the actual price for which Russia has been selling oil and

31:28 here perhaps I should make a somewhat surprising comp point

31:34 which is that the Russians are now saying that natural gas output in Russia

31:40 was higher in January this January January 2023 then it was in January

31:47 2022. this despite the fact that supplies of natural gas to the West

31:54 have essentially stopped now I don't completely understand that

32:00 I would have thought that certainly Russia is able to supply natural gas to China that's an increasing trade and

32:07 Russia is of course already Supply natural gas to Japan

32:12 this is liquefied natural gas by the way and the Russians do Supply some

32:18 liquefied natural gas to Europe and there's still some pipeline gas flowing

32:24 to Europe along the druzma pipelines but I would have expected by now Russian

32:30 natural gas production to be falling because of lack of demand that doesn't

32:36 seem to be the case and I'm wondering whether possible explanation

32:43 is that the Russians are rediverting some of their natural gas inward there's

32:51 been a long-standing plan to connect more and more Russian towns and villages

32:57 to um natural gas supplies and maybe that's

33:02 partly the explanation but anyway coming to Bloomberg Bloomberg is saying that

33:09 the average price that Russian oil fetched

33:14 over the last couple of weeks was around 74 dollars a barrel

33:20 now that's not very much lower than the sort of 81 dollars a barrel that we see

33:25 um I believe is the Brent crude price at the moment and it's certainly well above

33:33 the sixty dollars a barrel cap that um the G7 states have tried to impose on

33:43 Russian oil now this is presumably oil

33:48 this is presumably the price for oil Russian oil that's been paid by China and India and it is indeed the case that

33:56 China and India are importing much more of this oil than they were but I also

34:02 suspect that quite a lot of Russian oil is still flowing to the west to Europe and to the United

34:10 States I've discussed how the Western Powers have in effect

34:17 undermined the effectiveness of their own attempts to block up Russian oil

34:23 exports by agreeing to accept oil Russian oil provided its mixed in

34:31 third-party countries with oil from other places so as I've discussed in the

34:36 past you could perhaps find a super tanker filled up with Russian oil there's a few

34:45 barrels of Saudi oil thrown into the mix maybe these oils don't mix but I'm just

34:52 making a General point I'm not an expert on oil

34:57 grades but anyway you can see how that could happen and how this tanker full of

35:03 Russian oil could then ship perfectly legally to the European Union

35:09 causing the Russians obviously to receive money

35:14 for their oil obviously via middlemen so it'd be less than it would have been and of course

35:21 the Europeans are paying a higher price for this oil than they would otherwise have done and of course the Europeans

35:28 have added to their problems by cutting themselves off from Russian

35:35 diesel the Russians were major suppliers of refined diesel to the European Union

35:41 and apparently the cost of diesel is now

35:47 unusually high and remaining so so anyway we we're getting reports the the

35:55 key point you understand is we're getting reports that the Russian oil and

36:00 gas tray especially the Russian oil trade is like everything else in Russia

36:06 turning out to be a lot more resilient than westerners expected and I suspect

36:12 that we're probably going to see that coming through in the Russian budget figures in a few weeks time a few months

36:19 time perhaps we're probably going to see that the Russian budget is going to move

36:25 from its big deficit in January perhaps towards some sort of overall some sort

36:31 of momentary Surplus the Russian Finance Minister Anton

36:38 silwanov has said that Russia expects that it will have an overall budget

36:44 deficit of around two percent of GDP this year which of course is something that Russia

36:52 would have no difficulty financing and which directly contradicts some of

37:00 those very overdramatic claims about the

37:05 state of Russian finances made from that one month

37:12 deficit in January anyway let's move on so we have

37:18 a situation where the Russian economy is looking fairly stable but we've also now

37:24 had a very interesting interview with the director of the CIA William Burns and he's

37:31 told us two things firstly he's flatly contradicted his boss President Biden as

37:37 I reported yesterday was saying that he didn't think that China was going to supply weapons to Russia Burns

37:45 apparently thinks that there's a high probability that they will he says that the United States its intelligence

37:52 Community is now getting information that China is indeed thinking about and preparing to supply ammunition and

38:01 um drugs specifically to the Russians and

38:07 there's reports that a major Chinese artillery Park in xinjiang province in

38:13 western China has been showing signs of activity and some people are linking

38:19 that to the supply of ammunition from that Park to Russia and I understand

38:26 that the Chinese also by the way used 152 millimeter calibers for their guns

38:33 in other words Soviet calibers with their guns which is unsurprising given

38:39 that China and the Soviet Union back in the 40s and 50s were close allies and

38:45 the Chinese military built up its original military

38:51 structures on Soviet lines with Soviet weapons but anyway I'm not going to go

38:56 into the details of that about which I'm not expert but anyway there's some

39:02 report that this big ammunition store in xinjiang is being reopened and some are

39:09 speculating that so soon artillery shells will be moving North to

39:15 Russia from there well we will see I repeat my own personal view I think the

39:21 Russians are fully capable of meeting their own

39:26 needs for ammunition for artillery shells and such things where the

39:32 Russians have themselves admitted to shortages and this is a long-running

39:38 matter it's been discussed at many levels including by Putin himself and

39:46 this is a public discussion where the Russians have admitted to

39:53 weaknesses to shortages is not in ammunitions not in tanks it is in drones

40:00 and here we need to be very clear the Russians are not short of suicide drones they seem to be

40:09 operating these Kamikaze drones the Lancet drones

40:15 very effectively they're being used all across the battlefronts they sometimes

40:21 in Western media accounts and perhaps in Ukrainian accounts confused with the

40:27 geranium II drones that Russia has been importing from Iran

40:32 so the Russians have no shortage of those sort of drones they have no

40:38 shortage either of battlefields surveillance drones like the Orlan which

40:45 is very actively used by the Russians to monitor battlefields and which appears

40:51 to be operating in very very large quantities across the Ukrainian

40:57 battlefields and of course they've been able to

41:03 import certain numbers of geranium II strike

41:10 drones these are also kamikazi drones from Iran but where the Russians have

41:15 been particularly short is in sort of large the larger drones

41:22 the drones that are used to carry out attacks with bombs and missiles Behind

41:30 Enemy Lines that can be sent Behind Enemy Lines to carry out those kind of

41:35 strikes the Russians do have some drones like that and they have been working very hard but rather shall we say

41:44 confusingly over the last couple of years to try to build up

41:51 quantities of these drones the main drone that they have of this of

41:57 this type is a drone called Orion which um is built by the designed and built by

42:04 the kronstadt corporation and it is very similar to American and Chinese drones

42:10 of this type but the Russians took a very long time

42:17 developing these drones partly because they lacked the kind of

42:22 light turbo prop engine that these sort of drones use but also I suspect because

42:28 some people in the military industrial complex in Russia was skeptical about

42:34 the utility of drones like this they wanted Russia to focus instead on things

42:40 like tags and aircraft and drone development

42:46 was neglected Now by contrast China has very highly developed drone Industries

42:54 they've deployed huge fleets of these kind of drones probably on a scale that

43:02 at least matches that of the United States itself and they do have drones of

43:07 this kind and they can make drones of this kind and I can very easily imagine

43:13 that the Russians have turned to both China and perhaps

43:20 Iran and ask them to film this Gap in the Russian Armory by supplying drones

43:27 like this and I'm going to guess that the Chinese drones are probably more sophisticated than the Iranian ones

43:34 that's purely a guess and probably they're available in much bigger quantities and probably they are more

43:42 resilient to um electronic warfare and all that kind of

43:48 thing and it's conceivable to my mind that the Russians might be

43:53 looking to the Chinese to supply them with some of these drones there is another reason why Russia

44:02 might want weapons supplies from China which is completely independent

44:09 of the question of need the Russians might have all the ammunition that they

44:15 need they might be for all I know busy Mass producing Orion drones and we might be

44:22 seeing them over Ukrainian battlefields in a few weeks time I would not be surprised at all if that was the case

44:30 but they might still want China to supply them with some quantities of

44:38 shells and some numbers of drones for a purely political reason

44:44 because were that to happen it would be a public demonstration

44:51 of the strength of China's commitment to its

44:57 partnership with Russia it would be in political terms

45:05 as momentous an event as the decision by the United States

45:11 in 1940 to start supplying equipment to Britain

45:18 through its lend lease programs at a time when of course the British were fighting the Germans in the Second

45:26 World War it was as much a political statement

45:35 from the United States when they supplied the British with weapons

45:40 as a military statement it meant that the United States though

45:46 still avowedly neutral was siding with Britain in the war

45:51 against Germany and of course as We Know by the end of 1941

45:58 they were actually straightforwardly Military Allies and it would be the same if China

46:06 started to supply shells and drones to Russia it will be a public statement

46:13 to the world the China backs Russia that Russia is not alone in

46:20 this conflict and that of course if the United States and the West

46:27 wants to undertake a process of unlimited escalation in the war in

46:35 Ukraine supplying every conceivable kind of weapon that you can think of well

46:41 then they have the might of the gigantic Chinese

46:47 manufacturing complex comparable in scale in World terms to

46:53 that of the United States in 1940. just as the United States at that time

47:00 um out reduced all of the European powers in terms of industrial power so

47:07 China today out produces in terms of industrial power the United States and

47:13 Europe well

47:18 that would be a demonstration to the Americans to the Europeans

47:24 that in any such race to send equipment to the boring parties in Ukraine

47:33 they would inevitably and unavoidably lose they're struggling to match Russian

47:41 levels of output there is no conceivable way that they could even consider matching

47:49 Chinese levels the Chinese could Supply

47:54 quantities of shells to the Russians they could quickly convert factories to

48:00 provide quantities of shells they have the Factory space to do it they have the

48:06 trained manpower to do it in tens hundreds of thousands

48:12 and they could do that very quickly



and to the European powers as well they will be saying to these countries well

49:16 China is now asserting itself on the global stage

49:23 we can match indeed we can outmatch anything that you do

49:30 and in light of this the time has come for you to re-examine your actions

49:38 to ask yourself whether what you're doing makes any kind of sense because

49:44 if you start conflict of this kind be it in Ukraine in Taiwan wherever

49:52 we can always take measures to surpass you and it may be an increasing numbers of

50:00 people are thinking that this flurry of documents that we've

50:06 seen coming out of China over the last few days the uh

50:11 position paper on us again the position paper on

50:17 um the general way in which foreign policy ought to be conducted the

50:23 position paper about how a settlement of the Ukraine conflict could be pursued

50:29 that all of this is intended to lead up to the position where the Chinese do

50:36 start to take make these big moves do start to supply Russia With Arms not

50:43 because again the Russians necessarily need those arms now

50:48 but in order to make a general statement that China will not tolerate this kind

50:54 of behavior from the West any longer



nteresting indeed because it seems to me that in that extraordinarily polite and subtle and

52:03 very careful way with which the Chinese conduct diplomacy very different from the Russians by the way the Russians are

52:11 um often very straightforward and very direct the Chinese are

52:18 well they do it differently they they approach things in a more if you like

52:24 philosophical way but they let the other side know what

52:29 they're thinking and they basically let the other side

52:35 make join up the dots for itself they they approach things in a more subtle

52:40 way it's a different style but in an interesting one anyway My overall sense

52:48 is the what the Chinese were doing what Wang Yi was doing in Munich was that he was meeting all these Western leaders

52:53 these West these European leaders and saying to them look

53:02 what you've done in Ukraine is completely contrary to your own

53:07 interests to Europe's interests why have you hitched yourselves to this American

53:15 neocon chariot which only serves American interests or

53:21 at least perhaps more accurately near-con strategies you have no conceivable benefit from

53:30 this and as you must have realized by now this strategy that the Americans foisted

53:38 on you the near cons of foisted on you it simply isn't working why are you

53:44 behaving like vassals of the Americans isn't it time that you started to assert

53:51 yourselves to behave more independently of the Americans and started to take

53:57 steps that are more in your interests and in Europe's interests as opposed to

54:04 the interests of the neocons in the United States

54:09 now it's not difficult to understand why

54:15 that kind of talk might have spooked a lot of people in Europe because I

54:21 suspect the deep down most of them know that what wangi is saying is absolutely

54:26 true at the same time they cannot bring themselves to do that

54:34 which near con which wangi is advising them to do which is to detach themselves

54:40 from The near-con Chariot because firstly they're afraid of the United

54:45 States and of the consequences politically for themselves if they did

54:51 that all of them have atlanticist constituencies powerful Atlantis

54:57 constituencies within their own countries and many of them of course are

55:03 ideologically committed to this neocon project anyway so the fact that one year however was

55:11 wandering around the corridors of Munich telling people these things not

55:17 whispering straightforwardly telling people these things in his extremely

55:22 Charming very polite very subtle very careful way will have made both the Americans very

55:30 nervous worrying that the Chinese are seeking to create divisions between the

55:38 United States and the US's European allies and it will have provoked some

55:45 European leaders like Angelina bear book for example to

55:50 take even more extreme positions

55:56 in order to demonstrate their continued fealty to the United States to make it

56:02 clear to the United States or to be more precise to the neocons there that in

56:07 fact they remain fully committed to this project despite all the warnings all

56:15 those not so subtle but careful warnings that Wang Yi is communicating to them

56:22 so it didn't result in a split between the

56:29 Europeans and the Americans but he did leave both sides both the Americans and the Europeans extremely

56:36 unnerved this doubtless explains this extremely difficult and edgy encounter that

56:45 blinken had with Wang Yi which all the reports suggest did not go at all well

56:51 and it also no doubt explains why the European leaders themselves came away

56:57 nervous from the meeting in Munich Because deep

57:02 down even if they can't admit it as I said earlier they are all aware of the

57:08 enormous reality of Chinese industrial power and they find themselves in an

57:14 industrial wall of a kind that they never imagined themselves to be in

57:21 and they know that in an industrial War such

57:26 as this of the sort that the Russians are fighting in Ukraine

57:32 well they are struggling to match the Russians but if the Chinese step in they

57:39 have no hope and in terms of Germany and some of the other European powers

57:45 they also I'm sure understand that if

57:51 there is a sanctions war with China

57:56 the consequences economically for them for the European States will be ruinous

58:03 will be absolutely catastrophic economically and that is something that their

58:09 societies are probably not where are not probably not ready for either and of

58:16 course they know that if China does start supplying weapons to Russia

58:23 they might be under political pressure including from the neocons to embark on

58:29 that sanctions War which the Europeans very much don't want to do

58:36 so one could see why wangi had the enormous effect in Munich that he did

58:43 and why these rumors of Chinese arms supplies to Russia

58:50 have been so unsettling now I'm going to actually say something further here

58:56 um if rumors of armed supplies from China to Russia are unsettling then just

59:03 imagine what the effective actual arms supplies from China to Russia what the effect of

59:11 that would be on Western leaders but perhaps

59:18 it's not even needed because the Chinese just

59:24 because I said walking around the corridors of Munich making these points to the Europeans

59:31 saying to them look you've on a hiding to nothing this war in Ukraine has gone wrong from your

59:39 point of view it's only going to get worse and holding back in reserve

59:44 the possible threat that you know one day China might actively become involved

59:50 might start supplying artillery shells and drones to the Russians

59:56 well perhaps that's enough in itself that the mere

1:00:03 threat in the background that this could happen is enough in

1:00:09 itself to concentrate Minds in Europe and perhaps that's why we're seeing

1:00:15 suddenly um all this talk renewed talk now about

1:00:20 trying to find diplomatic Solutions though I have to say for the moment I

1:00:26 don't really see any genuine sign that any real breakthrough on that front is

1:00:31 on the horizon anyway



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that reports of this apparently imaginary Ukrainian

16:51 counter-offensive was circulating I take those as a sign that people

16:58 who are reporting on the fighting embarkment from the Ukrainian side

17:03 uh becoming increasingly desperate as the bad news pulls in and like now

17:09 clutching at straws even when those straws are actually figments of

17:16 someone's imagination so that's what I get to say about that particular

17:22 counter-attack so it does seem to me as if we are now

17:27 not just at the end game of the battle of bakmut but at the closing part of the end game

17:36 of the battle of Batman once the lock of the Trap

17:41 closes shut well we will be in a different position

17:48 we will be in a situation where the troops the Ukrainian troops embankment

17:54 are caught in a cauldron or a trap if you prefer and where the Russians for their part

18:00 will be wanting to secure the Trap by pushing outwards and we'll see how that

18:07 plays out and we'll see what the ukrainians do and if they do try to launch some kind of counter-offensive to

18:14 try to relieve the troops in Bahamut very unlikely in my opinion to be

18:19 successful but there we go but anyway it will be a different kind of fight from that point on now I've

18:28 compared the Battle of Bachman um to Stalingrad that obviously one has

18:35 to say straight away that the scale are these battles standing ground and Bahkmut is completely different

18:41 Stalingrad was a battle involving millions of men this is a battle which

18:47 has never involved more than tens of thousands of on each side so the scale

18:52 is totally different but I'm starting to think that perhaps an even better analogy analogy would be

19:00 the NBN Foo which is an important battle fought in the north of Vietnam during

19:06 the French indo-china Wars of the 1940s and 1950s where a French military force

19:14 trying to defeat Ho Chi minh's vietmin Army in North Vietnam

19:21 which is fighting for the independence of Vietnam and for the establishment of

19:27 a socialist system in Vietnam communist system if you prefer well anyway the

19:32 French were trying to defeat this Force managed to get themselves trapped in a

19:37 place called The nbienfu and there was a battle that went on for many many many months and eventually the French were

19:46 defeated they were forced to surrender and this caused the progressive collapse of

19:55 the entire French position in Vietnam well

20:00 I may be pushing it a little but I compare Bachman to the nvnfu though it does seem

20:07 to me that the scale of the fighting is probably closer to

20:13 that of Batman and Stalingrad was but the NBN Foo was a decisive battle and

20:20 I'm beginning to wonder whether Bachman will also be a decisive battle in this

20:26 war to reiterate again points that I made in previous programs

20:33 um back but apparently sits Atop The Transportation Hub of the Ukrainian

20:40 defenses in donbass the defenses that link up the various

20:46 parts of the so-called zelenski line the line which the ukrainians have built to

20:53 hold their positions in donbass and it also

20:58 is relative to other cities further west

21:04 gramatosk and slovians it is The High Ground or at least it controls The High

21:10 Ground it may be in a kind of sort of gentle Valley

21:17 but apparently the ground Rises west of grahamut if the Russians are able to

21:25 capture this High Ground further west of Gap backward as they seem to be doing

21:30 then that brings clamato's consulate within artillery range and not just

21:37 within artillery range it means that the Russians are able to look Overlook on these these two towns so that I think

21:45 where we are I think we are getting closer to a position where if backwards

21:51 is captured maybe the wall overall continues but the battle of

22:00 donbass which is the major battle that's been going on in this war the battle

22:07 that's been fought out since April um with extreme intensity and whose

22:15 Focus has been for many months now since late July

22:20 has been bachmanned well the battle of donbass well maybe it's not immediately at an

22:27 end but we are coming closer to the point when it ends and the Battle of Don

22:33 Bass is probably the decisive battle in the war in the sense that if the Russians

22:41 cleared on this gained control of the entirety of Don Bass

22:46 they've gained control of the most heavily industrialized region of Ukraine

22:51 they've fulfilled their political objective the one that was set at the

22:58 very start of the war by Putin which was to secure Don bass which is of course

23:06 now as far as Russia is concerned Russian territory and of course what they've also done is

23:14 that they've deprived Ukraine of what was in effect its shield now

23:19 I've discussed the human geography of Don bass very often

23:27 I've compared it with a rural region of Germany others like big search have done

23:33 so as well it's densely populated it's highly urbanized

23:40 it's there's lots of small industrial towns all linked together by a dense

23:48 network of roads and railways and those towns often include large

23:55 Factory complexes and high-rise buildings which are natural fortresses

24:02 this type of landscape is not repeated anywhere else in Ukraine to anything

24:10 like the same degree and specifically the Russians having

24:16 cleared donbass would have a relatively open path to the NEPA River and they can

24:24 advance to the NEPA River they could bring themselves to

24:30 as positions opposite the key industrial hub

24:37 on the West Bank of the NEPA which is nepro

24:43 petrovsk because the Russians call it and that would bring the Russians to the

24:49 center of Ukraine and that would be an existential crisis

24:54 also it seems to me for Ukraine in my opinion if Don bass fools and

25:03 capturing Batman may be the key to the capture of Don bass if Don bass Falls

25:11 then we're no longer talking any longer about the Battle of Don bass we're

25:17 talking about the Battle of Ukraine because Ukraine's Position will then

25:22 become critical critical to an extent that it has never been at any earlier

25:29 point in this war so that's the importance of the situation today and

25:35 I'm going to make a guess that there's lots of people in all the military staffs across

25:42 Europe in the United States of course in Russia itself in China in all the other major

25:50 countries that are fully aware of this and who are watching the situation very

25:55 closely so that's the situation the military situation now



nd it reads statement of the Russian foreign Ministry in connection with the preparation by the key of regime of a

50:12 military propagation against preenestrovia that means transnistria in connection with the significant

50:19 accumulation of personnel and military equipment of Ukrainian units near the

50:24 Ukrainian transnistrian border as recorded by the ministry of defense of

50:29 the Russian Federation the deployment of artillery firing positions as well as

50:35 the unprecedented increase in flights of unmanned aircraft of the Armed Forces of

50:41 Ukraine over the territory of transnistria we

50:46 warned the United States NATO member countries and their Ukrainian Wards against taking their next adventurous

50:56 steps we consistently support the solution of any issues through political

51:02 and diplomatic means at the same time no one should have any doubt that the

51:08 United armed forces of the Russian Federation will adequately respond to any provocation of the key of regime

51:15 and will ensure the protection of our compatriots the Russian key peacekeeping

51:22 contingent and the military personnel of the operational group of Russian forces

51:29 and their bases in transnistria any action this is the key sentence any

51:37 action that poses a threat to their security will be considered in

51:43 accordance with international law as an attack on the Russian Federation

51:53 in other words the Russians are warning Ukraine that if they do Advance into

51:59 transnistria Russia will treat that as an act of War now

52:05 how does that change anything we 've seen that Ukraine and Russia have

52:12 been fighting each other for almost well for a full year now

52:17 the uh ukrainians talk about it as a war most

52:22 of the world does I do I refer to it as a war but the Russians refer to it as a

52:28 special military operation they still continue to do so and there are probably

52:35 legal constraints that there are undoubtedly legal constraints on what

52:40 the Russians do which follow from that the Russians up to this point

52:46 for example have been reasonably restrained

52:51 in some of the attacks they've launched against civilian facilities they've also

52:57 avoided launching attacks as they've said on the decision-making

53:04 centers in Kiev on President zielinski and his officials and on the defense

53:11 Ministry there on the various command posts of the Ukrainian I commands

53:19 now if there is an attack on the Russian

53:24 Federation presumably all those constraints

53:30 disappear and as far as the Russians are concerned

53:38 at that point Russia will be at war with Ukraine and

53:45 the Russians will then presumably feel more free to do some of those

53:52 things which many people ask why they haven't done which why haven't they done them there would be more free at that

54:00 point to do them now I think that in NATO capitals this

54:06 is taken seriously and I've noticed that various NATO

54:11 governments including by the way the government of Romania appears to be warning

54:18 both Moldova and Ukraine

54:24 against an intervention of this nature and the moldovan government itself

54:30 Maria Sanders government also seems to be cooling on this idea of a Ukrainian

54:37 incursion and Maria Sandu has for example appeared

54:42 in recent days to rule out Moldova joining NATO

54:49 which is something of a reversal on her part and the moldovans are saying that

54:57 they're not they don't want an intervention by Ukraine on their

55:02 territory well we'll see whether that holds

55:08 but I'm going to venture and guess that with the crisis in backwards deepening

55:17 with a situation for Ukraine going very badly in donbass the temptation to win an easy victory

55:25 in transnistrium must be growing in Kiev and

55:31 I can easily imagine that at some point all doubts or caution

55:38 will be thrown to the winds and an advanced to transnistria might indeed be

55:45 ordered at that point the Russians might indeed say that this

55:52 is an attack on them in other words that Russia is in a state of war with Ukraine

56:00 and of course at that point the Russians might say that they're no

56:06 longer in a special military operation type situation and that they can do some of the things

56:13 that I've talked about in this program now one immediate consequence

56:21 of the Russians being in a state of war with Ukraine

56:27 is of course that it frees their hands as to what

56:33 they might decide to do beyond the capture of Don Bass

56:41 if they want to for example march on to Kiev

56:48 and effect the overthrow the forcible overthrow

56:56 of zelenski's government then an attack on transnistria

57:03 might give them the legal grounds upon which to do it I'm not saying that that is necessarily

57:11 what the Russians are going to do but perhaps

57:17 people both in Kiev and in Western capitals might want to

57:24 bear that in mind anyway that's me again for the day more

57:29 from me soon and in the meantime let


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Finished listening to the audiobook "Four Futures" - From Ch. 3 "On Socialism" to the end especially very good I thought, very provocative, although I understand some of the four-star ratings I like it's brevity and not going too deeply on trying predict the future - I wish all Americans could listen/read this short book.


An exhilarating exploration into the utopias and dystopias that could develop from present society

Peter Frase argues that increasing automation and a growing scarcity of resources, thanks to climate change, will bring it all tumbling down. In Four Futures, Frase imagines how this post-capitalist world might look, deploying the tools of both social science and speculative fiction to explore what communism, rentism, socialism and exterminism might actually entail.

Could the current rise of real-life robocops usher in a world that resembles Ender’s Game? And sure, communism will bring an end to material scarcities and inequalities of wealth—but there’s no guarantee that social hierarchies, governed by an economy of “likes,” wouldn’t rise to take their place. A whirlwind tour through science fiction, social theory and the new technologies already shaping our lives, Four Futures is a balance sheet of the socialisms we may reach if a resurgent Left is successful, and the barbarisms we may be consigned to if those movements fail.


Quotes from Anna's review:


Just from looking at it, you can tell that ‘Four Futures’ will only describe each of its scenarios briefly. This a 150 page book, after all.

Frase cites a fairly limited selection of sci-fi novels to support each of the four futures, so the rest of this review will discuss each in turn and suggest additional relevant sci-fi references. Let’s be honest, this is one of those books that I liked although part of me was always thinking, ‘I would have written this a little differently’.


In this future of abundance and equality, sadly the least likely of the four, ubiquitous automation releases the population from unwanted work, the benefits of this are shared through a basic income, and climate change can be easily dealt with using technology. The chapter focuses on how meaning in life might be found without late capitalism’s emphasis on paid work as identity.


This future involves abundance thanks to automation, without equal distribution of the gains involved. In such a world, a privileged elite holds the patents and extracts rents from everyone who wants a copy. Again, climate change has somehow been fixed by technology. I liked the use of Transmetropolitan and its ‘maker codes’ as an example here.

...Rentism has the plausibility of already being visible everywhere. The most valuable corporate assets these days are forms of intellectual capital, not machines or buildings but algorithms, designs, DNA, and databases of personal information. The extent to which this undermines the operation of capitalism is the theme of Paul Mason’s Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future and should be obvious to any A-level economics student. If the supply of a good is infinite, because it can be copied at effectively zero cost, the price falls to zero. Free market economics cuts its own throat! Only monopolism, a so-called market failure, prevents this. According to Mason, and in my view as well, this situation is inherently unstable due to the difficulty of preventing piracy (My comment on her last sentence here: well, that's why you would need a heavily monitored populace and more of a security state within the 'corporate state' - much like we have now already).


Now we come to the futures in which climate change cannot be handily swept aside by technology. In the socialist scenario, there is scarcity but relative equality thanks to government intervention and planning. This calls to mind several sci-fi novels that I have known and loved. Gwyneth Jones’ Bold as Love series, in which an anarchic government of rockstars steers England through economic and environmental collapse. Ken McLeod’s Intrusion and Julie Zeh’s Corpus Delicti: Ein Prozess, both of which explore how interventionist governments that deal effectively with environmental collapse can also take an unnecessary level of interest in women’s bodies. The former series is hopeful to a point, the latter two are less willing to put their faith in governments. Intrusion is very much a Labour utopia/dystopia, which encouraged me to compare it with the Conservative austerity and privatisation that happened instead. If your freedom is constrained, do you prefer it to be for a greater public good or for higher shareholder returns?

I was a little surprised that the socialism chapter didn’t mention carbon rationing, which was briefly discussed as a potential (Labour) government policy back in the halcyon days of 2008. The Carbon Diaries 2015 and sequel spin out the consequences of such a policy. It did, however, talk about economic planning in Francis Spufford’s fascinating book Red Plenty: Inside the Fifties' Soviet Dream. Could supercomputers plan the economy for us? I would hope they could at least monitor environmental limits and warn against activities that would cross them - a carbon cap and trade scheme would obviously require automated monitoring and control. Frase’s take on cap and trade was interesting: that if the government controls the price mechanism then it’s not a capitalist market per se. To my mind, the truly subversive and anti-capitalist element of cap and trade is placing a hard quantitative limit on carbon emissions, production of some good, or whatever. This is antithetical to the magical thinking in free market economics that wealth can increase infinitely and that the Earth will costlessly absorb infinite pollution forever.

Of the four futures, I think socialism is the best we can now hope for. I believe that we’ve missed our chance for a smooth, technology-led climate change mitigation. If that was ever possible (and there are structural reasons why not cf Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming), it certainly seems too late now. A world in which everyone has a basic income and carbon ration, however, looks vanishingly distant, simply because it would require a reckoning with the tiny elite who control a disproportionate share of global wealth.


The final and most plausible future is one in which climate change causes scarcity and the wealthy retreat to their citadels, while everyone else struggles to survive. Unfortunately this can already been observed in the horrific and inhumane treatment of refugees in America, Europe, Australia, et al. At a national level, racism and xenophobia allow rich countries to turn a blind eye to the suffering and death of refugees. At an international level, the richest insulate themselves further by building bunkers and retreats in New Zealand. (If you feel like being incandescently angry, read this very long New Yorker piece on super-rich survivalists. These people seem unwilling or unable to face the fact that they caused, and are still causing, the instability that they fear. Their greed for wealth and privilege has undermined the social contract and faith in politics. Their lifestyles are changing the climate. Their espousal of neoliberalism has split society, undermined trust, and depleted the public realm. And now they want to buy their way out of the country, indeed the world, that they've wrecked for short term gains!)

Anyway, Frase’s first sci-fi example in this chapter is the film Elysium, which he admits has a political economy that is ‘somewhat difficult to extract’. I found it a rather unsatisfactory dystopia, in which the shock was that a white American guy had to deal with a similar daily life to a developing-world slum inhabitant. The plot's focus was on getting healthcare for the underclass, without any explanation of why it was so scarce in the first place given total automation. Why aren’t the elite extracting rents on the technology? Anyway, the film's resolution seemed to me like a metaphor for Obamacare: now you can get basic healthcare, no need to concern yourselves with all the other problems caused by structural inequality. A more apposite example of a rich elite quite actively trying to kill off an unemployed underclass can be found in The Ballad of Halo Jones. The main character lives in an overcrowded and dangerous ghetto for the unemployed, until in desperation she signs up for the army as a way to escape. The war she joins is brutal and pointless, quite possibly only happening as a way to simulate production of weapons and kill off the unemployed. That seems to me the most likely form more active exterminism would take: fomenting wars. Actually, this also a theme in the last novel I read, S. N. U. F. F.. Given the resource shortages that climate change will continue to cause, it probably won’t take much encouragement.

The most depressing thing about ‘Four Futures’ is that it was published in 2016, yet since it was written the world has moved significantly closer to an exterminist future.



- Am definitely more of an "eco-socialist"...a "scientific socialist".

--- Conversation yesterday with a FB friend ---

We lack opportunities here in Ghana, even basic amenities is a problem especially water You sent ... yeah.

So do you sometimes have water shortage

You sent No

You sent Its good here. Of course, first world country... Dont have issues like that. Is hard of course for the poor of the world

Friend replied to you Original message: Its good here. Of course, first world country... Wow, we have the rivers and lakes but due to corruption and bad management water can not be treated and pumped to the citizenry

Ghana Friend replied to you Original message: Is hard of course for the poor of the world Blatant thievery is the cause of lack of basic amenities in third world countries

You sent: Yeah. Ppl have risen up and fought for environmental protection laws and other things like against child labor throughout history but it is getting worse... theres a lot of homeless people etc. And trash and violence, drugs, etc. Friend replied to you: Original message: Yeah. Ppl have risen up and fought for environmental protection laws and… Yeah,it's triple worse In Africa You sent Is yes, the U.S. started with more of a blank slate when Western capitalism and industrialization took place and the debt based monetary system and these laissez faire austerity based economics, world capitalism, Western modern capitalism... the IMF, the world Bank, it uses the dollar system and debt to exploit Is some bad rules within the "capital order" You sent: Relating to taxes,... tax havens. For example.

Friend replied to you: Original message: Relating to taxes,... tax havens. Some of the tax haven are Territories of western countries who preach against corruption and yet stolen monies from Africa are stach in jurisdiction under their control and it baffles me why they don't expose African leaders who engage in this crimes against humanity Sat 9:18 AM

Friend: Ramadan is around the corner, may start it Bismillah and end it with Alhamdullilah Sat 2:28 PM

Friend replied to you: Wow so there are lot of people who are not enthused about the shenanigans of Capitalism and neolibralism

Ghana friend: What do you think of socialism

Sat 2:56 PM

You sent: Yes I like it. I think Allah has given us brains for us to use - so, when dealing with any situation or problem one has in life, one should work to make it better/fix it. Umm, the free market principles of supply and demand can work well in certain situations - it can make sense...intelligent parking for example, was listening to a book I believe had a good example of a "smart" city parking system where the price corresponds to how busy parking is at any given time - so having higher prices during peak times would be better to get people to stop driving around and looking for a spot to park but in non-busy times would be cheap. Um, yeah, I believe capitalism" needs to have rules, especially against capitalism itself, much like humans need Allah's rules and guidance to be our best...I think it is dumb to reduce the human life etc. to "profit at all expenses". - Actually I hate a lot of our consumerist capitalism and unfair system - I've always liked uh, life - like nature, the wild and randomness and beauty of it and "dynamism". I like a lot of Islamic Economics+ Circular Economy (which is a sustainable way which tries to eliminate all waste and incorporates smart design and end of life-cycle considerations into the product(s) design - the goal is "circular" - like nature, in how everything is recycled and used again - it calls for more of a sharing economy as well) and I like aspects of socialism in that, the state should be higher and controlling and do good for people - the state should be governed with the welfare of the nation - not controlled by capitalists and capital. I don't like uh, I'm not so so much for though, socialism or communism that becomes overly authoritarian though - that's dangerous. But too little rules is dangerous as well (too little order - I'm not a anarchist type (not that far down) but according to political tests I am more slightly more "libertarian" than authoritarian...I'm nearly a full blown socialist but not quite, but I wonder if actually socialism or communism (eventually - like a freerer world without so many nation-states and rules and more just, community living) would be better, eventually, I think maybe that could be like possible if Islam comes to rule the world with Isa alaiyiwasalaam - as George Galloway puts it - if everyone lives more in god consciousness, then there wouldn't need to be a big role for the state and we would live in harmony and peace - and you know - the Holy Qur'an says it's our duty to "forbid evil and enjoin good" - in this state of society etc. forbidding evil though is hard - is hard to speak out against people etc. especially in a good way that's not self-righteous or like condemning a person but just trying to give good advice like the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. was such a kind person but also never spoke what was not true... Sat 3:11 PM

You sent: Is like uh, I believe in like a gov. that uses all of our modern scientific understanding and social - human understandings and actually tries to implement the best system(s) - so I think ideally, if it was ideal, the government and political and economic system should always just be updating and improving and built up and perfected and perfected...and socialism in like, increasing democracy and education and having a transparent government and government system so like, politics should be actually embody the term "political science". - So in that, the most favorable people (within a just and good democracy)and people who care and are educated the most get elected - kind of naturally. Not this system of like theatre or theatrical politics - - > "life is serious is not all fun and games" - so politicians especially should be held to the highest account and one should educate and develop themselves much before going into such a field with such large consequences, or I guess can better say, before getting into such a highly important and consequential role/position. - Obviously as a Muslim, and during these times, we are blessed to have such understanding of like, what it means to be human and its an important time in history with the coming of A.I. and such and so blessed to have like the strong roots and foundations to hold to - truth, justice, respect - etc...and to be good examples hopefully and to you know, keep the society from denigrating socially and culturally like the breaking up of the family.

You sent:

Like what is the point of all the work scientists do etc. but then governments don't do anything and are just beholden to money and capitalism - that's not the purpose of even what capitalism purports to be in support of - which is progress and for people to live better. Capitalism is so wasteful and consuming and the bad (crappy- evil) neo-classical economists of course just count all movement and spending of money as GDP even if its just money circulating within country (passing hands from one American to the next for example) and not actually you know, a good economic direction or good uh, nope...J is for Junk Economics, but uh, just focusing on production and goods etc. isn't like the purpose of life or a great way wholly either, I think uh happiness is important and I would like more community and like, doing things with people etc...we should prioritize health more - and helping each other etc.

Friend: You could have said it better,it will take a long time for the ideal world order we crave for to be established may be not in our life time

You sent: I like Islamic Economics instead of socialism but I think socialism - the workers being having more of a voice and a say in the company is good but that could be bad if the workers want too much pay and they aren't educated like the CEO types to make decisions at a high level on all issues of the company considering the market etc...etc. I like my Islamic interpretation of socialism in that "all workers own the company" and so, the workers should have more control of a company and who is higher up, workers shouldn't just be commodities like in capitalism, especially bad nowadays where the companies employees have so much turnover - employees just used for a time and then the company gets new ones if its cheaper and management upon management and the ever increasing want/need for quarterly profits - I don't like...but yeah, uh, the people in the corporate offices have a job as do the workers... I don't like how corporations can sell themselves out/corporations and companies buying others up and getting ever bigger and bigger - I like rules that would be more for local and small businesses and for capitalism and consumerism to not be so invasive in our world - more of and for local and varied and more down to earth - uh, yeah, so, definitely for not giving capital as the means to dominate and monopolize and I think that is actually healthier capitalism because it increases competition and also choice and also "dynamism" I guess you could call it because it reduces the tendency for everyone to be like "the same" and "follow the leader".

You sent I guess I should have wrote: I like a mix of Islamic economics/understanding and socialism You sent I'm kind of a eco-socialist type... Friend replied to you Original message: I like Islamic Economics instead of socialism but I think socialism - th… Islamic is the antidote though people who don't understand the religion are when ever they hear Islam

Friend replied to you Wish you are the president of the world, lol

You sent conservative.....but like, that I would say, is progressive and smart.....because we live on this planet and it is like our responsibility and the future gens are our responsibility as well. We definitely need to stop living like a western cowboy mentality but we need to have a spaceship earth mentality and really work to conserve our ocean and planet etc. from disaster. We really need uh, good democracy, not corporate oligarchy and a huge wealth divide where uh, people are going to be like, really uh...everybody out for themselves kind of mentality's uh, not a good situation if things continue down this path - I don't know what the elites are expecting the world to turn to, like it would be a nice planet to live on with the uh western global capitalism and western values and ideologies and culture trying to like take over all the world and having McDonalds in every country on the planet and whatnot ugh! But yeah, every country should be like trying to be self-sustaining and developing while maintaining their own cultures and values and global trade that so if one country is rich in oil but another country is rich in food, they can trade, is important. Trade is permitted (good, can be good) while usury is forbidden. TY I'm trying to learn and so can run and yeah... But yeah, imagine a world without usury. Without inflation. Reply: The world without usury and inflation will be a better place to live,am your number one supporter on you running for Congressman and later president because you've really diagnosed the problems and have solutions for it -- I'm alright, have decent understanding of things - learning a lot. Need to update my site...

-------------- Islam ----------

Yeah, I don't really know about America, myself and these end times - "keep planting trees" -

- America is not in a good state. If a dollar system collapse happens, will be in quite a bad state taking Europe with it. If a solar emp were to happen it would be...chaos for our digitized banking system we rely on so much. The high-tech military - empire - nullified.

Amazing to think about - Islam is the final book - complete - and guidance for mankind. It will rule the world.

3:54 and tell people and deny it don't sell

3:57 your country because you are a Muslim

3:58 you are you know you have to be a

3:59 patriot if you are a Muslim living in a

4:01 Muslim country you have to belong to

4:02 your country you have to love your

4:04 country and nowadays unfortunately we

4:06 tell and we deny and we reject and we

4:08 tell people that don't sell your Deen

4:10 yes Dean people literally selling their

4:13 Deen because of some rubbish of this

4:16 Dunya

4:17 literally and this is

4:26 they're selling their Dean they're

4:29 selling their principles they are

4:30 selling whatsoever they have from

4:32 morality and everything because of this

4:34 Dunya imagine someone is selling the

4:36 Deen because of a little bit of money

4:38 bugs Dinars Dirham or a position or

4:41 whatsoever from the

4:44 dust or from the rubbish of this Dunya

4:46 and they have no problem with it and

4:48 this is the time that we are living in

4:49 my brothers and sisters

4:51 before we used to deny and do the munkar

4:54 and we used to reject people lying and

4:56 we say lying is Haram which is Haram

4:58 but unfortunately now we are seeing that

5:01 there are factories there are places

5:02 where they are producing lying

5:05 from the TV or satellite channels from

5:08 the social media from whatsoever you

5:10 call it people just lying and people are

5:14 just saying things which is not true and

5:17 other peoples are believing and this is

5:20 that the time will come one of the signs

5:22 of the day of judgment is what that a

5:25 person is sitting in maybe end of the

5:27 world and he will say Kelly Matan he

5:29 will say a word

5:31 of lie and that world that world will go

5:34 all the way from east to west and this

5:38 is what happened a person is sitting in

5:39 front of a TV or a social media and

5:41 whatsoever lying and giving a bad or lot

5:44 wrong and false information and we are

5:46 believing that isn't the case my

5:48 brothers and sisters

5:50 before

5:51 we used to do the munkar

5:54 we used to

5:56 forbid the evil and this is what Allah

5:58 wants from you right

6:01 um

6:03 should be amongst you there is a nation

6:05 or a people

6:06 should call for a good yeah

6:10 they should call for the good and stop

6:13 forbid the evil and this is what we used

6:15 to do alhamdulillah we are doing but

6:17 nowadays it's not that you know we are

6:19 stopping the evil now there are some

6:20 other people criticizing us and denying

6:23 and rejecting of what the people are

6:25 doing from the good subhanallah

6:28 this is the time that we are living in

6:30 that everything that you will do right

6:32 it is wrong and everything that you do

6:34 wrong it is

6:36 you know going with the flow and

6:38 everyone is going with the flow

6:40 subhanallah all these problems and all

6:43 these calamities and all these tries and

6:45 tribulation that I just mentioned and

6:47 there are many actually I just mentioned

6:48 four five six seven and they are severe

6:50 but there are many

6:52 as a Muslim okay I gave you all these

6:55 problems but what is the solution

6:57 if we mention a problem we have to

6:59 mention a solution with it right what is

7:01 the solution my brothers and sisters

7:03 the solution my brothers and sisters at

7:06 this time that we are living in as a

7:08 Muslim as a Believer as someone who is

7:10 holding upon the Deen of Allah

7:12 do not

7:15 to make so-and-so or fulan or I learn

7:19 happy

7:20 don't

7:22 compromise your dean and morality and

7:25 principles because XYZ person or people

7:28 or even the government making the laws

7:31 and making Halal Haram and Haram Halal

7:34 isn't the case today if you say anything

7:36 about these LGB and whatsoever you call

7:39 it and if you say out loud and you talk

7:41 about it in halal way in a right way and

7:43 as Allah telling you to do you will be

7:46 the criminal you will be stopped from

7:48 the traveling you will have the travel

7:50 ban you will be accused as a criminal

7:52 you will be you know put fine on you you

7:55 will be jailed why because you said the

7:57 hat at the time when there is

7:59 Unfortunately they are making the haq

8:01 Haram and Haram

8:02 and

8:05 subhanallah and this is the time that we

8:07 are living in my brother and sister so

8:08 what should we do Shu should not leave

8:11 your identity you should not leave your

8:13 principles you should not leave your

8:15 Deen because of these people and because

8:17 of these rules and regulations

8:19 whatsoever is happening hold upon the

8:21 dean of Allah my brothers and sisters

8:24 and keep in your mind that holding upon

8:27 the Deen of Allah the Quran and the

8:29 Sunnah is like holding a burning coal in

8:32 your hand and this is what the prophet

8:34 wasallam imagine burning coal holding it

8:37 in your hand it will be similar holding

8:40 upon the Deen of Allah they are both

8:42 alike and this is what the prophet

8:43 sallam said it will be very hard in

8:46 another meaning but we have to continue

8:48 because keep in your mind my brothers

8:50 and sisters

8:52 also said that you and me and every one

8:56 of us if we hold upon the hope of Allah

8:59 and we follow that we will be getting

9:02 the edger of 50 sahabi 50 sahadi 50

9:05 Companions of the Prophet

9:07 50 companion yes you can include with

9:10 them

9:12 whosoever 50 of them

9:41 but what we have to do don't compromise

9:44 don't leave your Deen don't go with the

9:47 flow of what these people are doing from

9:50 the Haram and from the heart and from

9:52 the doubtful things and the

9:53 misconception that spreading whatsoever

9:55 it is I hold upon the Quran and I hold

9:58 upon the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad Sallahu Alaiyhi Wa-Salaam

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