Coronavirus/Covid 19 is nothing compared to the slow and steadily building, somewhat silently malicious storm that's brewing for the world... 😢🙏🌍😔😔😔. This is God (nature and the laws of the universe) and she can't change her ways we are only but a second in the vastness of time and space. Only a tiny little planet floating around a little star.
Updated: 3/17/2021 - These use to be my thoughts on God but not any longer. It is his creation though I believe and so beautiful. Thanks are due unto him. Though our world is not perfect and life is a test - there or many Universal Laws which hold true throughout the test of time. Truth Prevails. Listen. See. Feel within own's own self (right and wrongs for example).
“Climate change is the defining challenge of our time,” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement.