Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
---------1.15.2024 ------I'm just going to be sharing what I want to share, not posting everything.
Chomsky's Philosophy
Great video:
Nate Hagens
(Conversation recorded on December 4th, 2024) It is an unfortunate reality that the countries least responsible for the climate and ecological crises we face are often the ones most vulnerable...
Isra and Miraj: The Greatest Journey Through the Heavens | Ep 6 | Al-Aqsa Series | Dr. Omar Suleiman
Yaqeen Institute
Amidst his deepest hardships, Allah took the Prophet ﷺ close to Himself in the Mi’raj, and gave him and his ummah a special gift. Learn the full story of Isra and Mi’raj (Night Journey...
Vanessa Beeley "Barrel Bombs are Back"
vanessa beeley
On the 11th December 2016 I visited Hanano in East Aleppo. Hanano had been liberated days previously by the Syrian Arab Army and allies including Hezbollah and Russia. Hanano had been under...
Didn't watch: "Seeking Justice": How the Hind Rajab Foundation Pursues Israeli Soldiers for War Crimes
Democracy Now!
Support our work: Belgian Lebanese activist Dyab Abou Jahjah, the founder of the Hind Rajab Foundation, discusses how the organization seeks to hold...
Didn't watch: A War of the Worlds - conversation with Alex Krainer
vanessa beeley
A very important conversation with economist and geopolitical analyst Alex Krainer, author of The Grand Deception - the Browder Hoax. You can follow Alex on his Substack and on Twitter. Here...
Watched some: CEASEFIRE - MOATS with George Galloway - EP 413
George Galloway
Give Super Thanks! ❤️ Follow me on Rumble 03:10 Menu #ceasefire #gaza #westbank #trump 04:22 Monologue #ceasefire #gaza #westbank #trump...
Dialogue Works 78K views
The Chris Hedges YouTube Channel • 67K views Support my independent journalism at Substack: Follow me on social media: “You can't just sit there and build drones and...
This is actually great: Winter Reading List 2024/25 with Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
Cambridge Muslim College
Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad returns with his annual reading list, including five engrossing reads exploring contemporary issues ranging from history, travel, martial arts, to poetry and political...
And this: The Correct Response – Abdal Hakim Murad
Cambridge Muslim College
Donate Today: --- We live in confusing times – times that we struggle to understand and that often don’t understand us. How, then, should we...
This was okay, good: Are We Heading Towards Extinction? – Abdal Hakim Murad
Cambridge Muslim College
Donate Today: --- In this critical talk, Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad evaluates our contemporary context by looking at the Enlightenment and its effects....
Didn't watch: Medical Benefits of the Sunnah – Abdal Hakim Murad
Cambridge Muslim College
This talk was given in April at the Cambridge Muslim College Retreat 2017. Support a Decade of Excellence in Islamic Scholarship: --- Follow us...
This is above my vocab level but neat, very cool. I would need to study it and from it to get the most benefit from it: Prof. Tim Winter - ITC Video Keynote: “Klossowski's reading of Nietzsche from an Islamic viewpoint”
St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology
Prof. Tim Winter - Islamic Theology Conference Video Keynote: “Klossowski's reading of Nietzsche from an Islamic viewpoint” Islam’s characteristic integration of a full monotheism with...
Global Message
"Legislation is not but for Allāh. He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know."Surat Yusuf (12:40) Watch it here also:...
Interesting: Can The Shari'ah Be Implemented Gradually? | Shaykh Ahmad Musa Jibril (حفظه الله تعالى)
Global Message
A highly important and relevant topic, especially with the current events in Syria, and previously in Egypt - what is the reality of those who claim to desire to implement the Shari'ah...
---------------------------From my next post: "War of the Worlds" - Islam vs. Liberalism
1.19.2024 Last*:
This is great and what I’ve got just enough of a little sense or notion about...The Sharia is just and good. Is not like some blunt object or tool to be used to, you know, hammer people with or something. It is good. Allah is Most Merciful, Most Forgiving. Life (or “this life”) can be hard and difficult especially for the believer (believers) (and especially in these times) but we get jannah as the reward as long as we tough it out. And that’s the ultimate triumph. “And those who strive in our ways”. “And it (striving) is only for oneself…”. You can’t force people to do this or that.
Exculpatory evidence is evidence favorable to the defendant in a criminal trial that exonerates or tends to exonerate the defendant of guilt.
Featured video for this blog post:
Ummatics • 2.2K views In this talk Professor Khairudin Aljunied (National University of Singapore) challenges traditional views of Sufism as purely pacifist, exploring its active and, at times, confrontational role...
While reading - - - >
Web search “The Tijaniyyah pdf”
Free ebook: “Realizing Islam The Tijaniyya in North Africa and the Eighteenth-Century Muslim World” by Zachary Valentine Wright – University of North Carolina Press
- - - > Free ebook: “The Criterion Between The Allies Of the Mercifull & The Allies Of the Devil” by Ibn Taymiyya May Allah Have Mercy Upon Him
From Ibn Taymiyyah’s book:
The Criterion Between The Allies Of the Merciful & The Allies Of the Devil
by Ibn Taymiyya
Translated by Salim Abdallah ibn Morgan
- Chapter 1 -
All praise is to Allah. We seek His aid, ask Him for guidance, and ask His forgiveness. We
seek refuge in Allah from the evil which is in ourselves, and the wicked of our actions.
Whoever Allah guides none can send astray, and whoever Allah sends astray, none can
guide. We testify that there is no deity except Allah, alone and with no partner. And, we
testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger. He sent him with the guidance and the
way of truth so that He (i.e. Allah) might make it predominate over all other ways, and
Allah is sufficient as a witness. He sent him preceding the Hour (qiyama), as a bringer of
good tidings, a warner, and a caller to Allah by His permission, and as a beacon light. He
(Allah) guided with it those who had been lost, and gave sight to those who had been
blind, gave uprightness and order to those who had been following unbridled impulse, He
opened unseeing eyes, deaf ears, and sealed hearts. With it, He established the criterion
for distinguishing truth from falsehood, guidance from going astray, uprightness from
following of whims, the believers from the disbelievers, the joyous people of paradise and
the miserable people of the fire, and the allies of Allah from His enemies. Whoever the
Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) has attested to as being among the allies of Allah,
are the awliyaa' (friends or allies) of the Merciful, and whoever the Prophet has described
as being among the enemies of Allah, are indeed among the enemies of Allah, and are
among the awliyaa' of the shaitaan (devil).
Allah has explained in His Book, and in the Sunnah of His Prophet that He has awliyaa'
among the people and that shaitaan also has his awliyaa', and He has differentiated
between these two types of awliyaa'. Allah said:
“Indeed, there is no fear upon the awliyaa' of Allah, nor shall they grieve,
those who believe and are ever pious in their actions. To them are glad
tidings in this life and in the hereafter. There is no changing the words of
Allah. That, then, is the great success.” (Qur'an Yunus 10:62-64)
“Allah is the protector (ally) of those who believe, He takes them out of the
darknesses into the light. As for the disbelievers, their allies are the taaghoot
who take them out of the light and into the darknesses. Those are the people
of the fire, and they will be in it forever.” (Qur'an al-Baqarah 2:257)
“O, you who believe, do not take the Jews and the Christians as allies. They
are allies of each other. Whoever among you puts his allegiance with them, is
certainly one of them. Allah does not guide a people who oppress. And so,
you see those in whose heart is sickness rushing to (make alliances with)
them, saying: "We fear being caught in some unfortunate turn of events".
Perhaps Allah will bring victory, or something from Him, such that they come
to regret that which they hid within themselves. And the believers (will) say:
"Are these the ones who swore their strongest oaths that they were with
you?" Their works have been invalidated, and they have ended up in complete
loss. O, you who believe, whosoever among you turns back from his way
(Islam) Allah will surely bring another people whom He loves and who love
Him. (They will be) humble and merciful with the believers, strong and firm
with the disbelievers; they fight in the path of Allah, and do not fear the
blame of those who blame. This is the grace of Allah, and He gives it to whom
He wishes, and Allah is encompassing, knowing of all things. Verily, your
(true) ally is Allah, His Prophet, and those who believe; those who establish
the prayer, pay the zakat, and bow in prayer. Whoever puts his allegiance
with Allah, His Prophet, and those who believe, the party of Allah are surely
the victorious ones.” Qur'an 5:51-56)
“Thereupon the only true alliance is with Allah, the Truth, that is the best in
reward, and the best in final results.” Qur'an 18:44
The allies of the devil have also been mentioned in the Qur'an :
“And so, when you read the Qur'an, seek refuge in Allah from the accursed
shaitaan. He has no power over those who believe and depend on their Lord.
His power is only over those who give their allegiance to him and who
(succumb to his urgings and) associate (partners) with Allah.” Qur'an 16:98-
“Those who believe fight in the path of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight
in the path of taaghoot, so fight the allies of shaitaan, verily, the plot of
Shaitaan is weak (when confronted with true faith).” Qur'an 4:76
“And when we said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam," they bowed down all
except for Iblis. He was one of the jinn, and he rebelled against the order of
his Lord. And so, do you then take him and his descendants as allies instead
of me, though they are your avowed enemies? What an evil substitute for the
oppressors!” Qur'an al-Kahf 18:50
“And whoever takes the devil as an ally instead of Allah, has brought about a
very clear loss.” Qur'an an-Nisaa 4:119
“Those to whom the people said: "The people are gathering against you, so
fear them," were only increased (by that) in faith, and they said: "Allah is
sufficient for us, and He is the best of guardians." So, they returned with
bounty from Allah and His grace. No harm touched them. They sought only
Allah's pleasure, and Allah's grace is great. That is only shaitaan, he gives his
allies the ability to strike fear into your hearts, so do not fear them, and fear
me if you truly are believers.” Qur'an al-`Imran 3:173-175
“We have made the devils allies of those who do not believe; those who
commit outrages and then say: "We found our predecessors on this
(tradition)" ... Surely, they have taken the devils as allies instead of Allah,
and they think that they are on the guidance.” Qur'an al-A`raf 7:27-28 & 30
“And, verily, the devils pass suggestions to their allies, so that they might
dispute with you.” Qur'an al-An`aam 6:121
Allah narrates the statement of the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him):
“O, my father, I fear that you may be touched by a punishment from the
Merciful, and be an ally of the devil.” Qur'an Maryam 19:45
“O, you who believe, do not take my enemy and your enemy as allies toward
whom you (secretly) cast your love.” Qur'an 60:1
“Our Lord, do not make us a temptation for the rejecters of faith, and forgive
us, you are the mighty, the wise.” Qur'an 60:5
- Chapter 2 -
Once it is known that there are among the people allies (awliyaa') of the Merciful, and
allies of the devil, we must differentiate between this group and that, just as Allah and His
Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) differentiated between them. The allies of Allah are
the pious believers, as Allah said:
“Surely, there is no fear upon the allies of Allah, nor shall they grieve: those
who believe and are pious (have taqwa).” Qur'an 10:62-63
Abu Huraira narrates in the sahih hadith found in the collection of Al-Bukhari, that the
Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Allah ta'ala says: I have declared war on anyone who is an enemy of any of
my allies. There is nothing better with which my slave can come closer to me
than fulfilling all that I have made obligatory upon him. Then, my slave will
continue to come closer to me be making extra efforts until I love him. When
I love him, I am his hearing with which he hears, his sight with which he
sees, his hand with which he strikes, and his leg with which he walks. If he
asks me, I will give him, if he seeks refuge with me, I will give him refuge. I
have not hesitated in anything which I do as I hesitate in taking the soul of
my believing slave. He dislikes death, and I dislike annoying him, but he must
meet his death."
This is the most authenticated narration about the awliyaa' (allies) of Allah, in it, the
Prophet explains that to be enemies of the allies of Allah, is to enter into warfare against
In another hadith, the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) says:
"I will take revenge for my allies as the revenge of a ferocious fighting lion."
i.e. He will extract revenge from those who oppose His allies as a fighting lion takes his
revenge. The reason for this is that the awliyaa' (allies) of Allah are those who believe in
Him, and give their full loyalty to Him. Thus, they love all that which Allah loves, hate what
He hates, are pleased with what pleases Him, despise what He despises, they enjoin that
which He enjoins, forbid that which He forbids, give to those whom Allah loves for them to
be given, and withhold from those whom Allah loves not to receive. The Prophet said, in a
hadith narrated by At-Tirmidhi and others:
"The most dependable handhold on faith is: love for the sake of Allah and
hatred for the sake of Allah."
And, in another hadith, narrated by Abu Daud, the Prophet said:
"Whoever loves for Allah, hates for Allah, gives for Allah, and withholds for
Allah, has sought the completion of his faith."
Just browsing:
Great articles:
The above article is worth reading in full in my opinion (if you haven’t already read much about the topic before that is anyway).
Some important “critical theory” to ponder upon. I naturally, like many others, came to the same conclusions before having learned anything from Marx or Hegel etc.:
Preliminaries on colonialism and war
Marx’s theory of the modern state developed in its earliest stages by way of critical engagement with Hegel’s political philosophy.
Of course, the young Marx already understood that the modern state expresses the dominance of a new form of private property (see his articles on the Wood Theft Debates). But this insight did not yet constitute a theory of the modern state as such.
The importance of Hegel’s doctrine of the state had much to do with its sustained engagement with classical political economy. Through the latter, Hegel arrived at the conclusions that the modern capitalist economy systematically generates overproduction, poverty and an expansionary drive toward colonization (Philosophy of Right, section 2, part C).
Colonialism is for Hegel a product of the inherent contradictions and antagonisms of the capitalist economy. It is necessary to the modern state, rather than merely a particular policy choice.
In the final section of his text, Hegel then examines the “individuality” of the modern state, arguing that it contains no inherent drive toward universal law and world peace. Instead, each state asserts its independence in opposition “to other states” — which leads to the inevitability of war (Philosophy of Right, section 3, part Aii).
For Hegel, in other words, this is a constitutive feature of the state in a capitalist world system. It follows that the drives toward colonialism and war are inherent in the modern state as such (a recognition that is arguably fatal to all reformist approaches to the capitalist state).
Capitalism produces a mindset of scarcity. Scarcity says that we need to compete and to conquer. The state is in a competition with all other states. There is “no inherent drive toward universal law and world peace”…
Islam is not inherently violent. “Trade is permitted while usury is forbidden”. The purpose of jihad is not for resources and riches, those are just legally allowed by-products of victory if victory is achieved (and naturally, a source of some celebration and ease) but it’s done for noble causes, for Allah, because the Shariah is good and it is fair and just. People aren’t perfect but Allah is. An upright person with character who fears Allah is better than a person who doesn’t believe and will not care about being deceitful, who will just work for themselves or doesn’t care about the consequences of doing acts of evil and perpetrating acts of oppression and injustice onto populations of people and the innocents (only caring about themselves). Islam is not inherently selfish or being “promototive” of witholding of wealth and possessions (hoarding). It is more in-line with a sharing or a gift economy like those also practiced in indigenous cultures. It doesn’t promote class divisions or social status based on wealth but on piety, knowledge, and/or other things of that sort (works). Jihad is just one part or portion it isn’t inherently in competition with all of the rest for the domination of hard power resources on the planet pitting and perpuating a “theology” or worldview of profit and wealth as the end all be all and the sole purpose of life. “Just be happy” (that’s a death cult. And in reality, it is a death cult for the biosphere of the planet as well). - “You will own nothing and be happy”, - yeah, because you would be a slave and in actuality, it would actually be more like “you will be nothing (you don’t matter) and be happy”.
Jeff Rich’s from substack and YT “The Burning Archives” makes a great point that the modern nation-state paradigm is actually probably better understood when you look and understand through a lens of Empire other than just individual modern nation-states. And if you read a long-form history book about empires, such as “After Tamerlane” you begin to understand how the world operates in reality much better. The United States is no regular little “nation-state” but an Empire. China is called an “emerging global power” but you could just go on ahead and call China instead an emerging empire. The U.S.S.R. was an empire, though how successful it was and those kinds of factors come into question, but it still had and left very real global impacts and had its hand in shaping quite a bit of history and impacting peoples lives in a lot of different places throughout the world.
It makes me think of the “real politik” of the world and how a modern Islamic caliphate would actually have to interact and be in and of the world.
I think (of) and am coming to understand that jihad if it is done and the state or empire is good actually paves the way for many flowers and fruits that are reaped years, possibly decades or even centuries later. Rumi for example was a product of living in a time of the Islamic golden age.
That’s just one example obviously. But peace and liberation (often) have to be fought and struggled for (example: The U.S. revolution). A dialect at work. Another one is the relation between the power of a state or empire and the peace, security and stability that then it provides for its citizens. Even in the dystopian (or Utopian I guess for some) fictional worlds of Brave New World and 1984 most of the populace are or at the least are portrayed as, as happy even if they are, like so many people in the modern society, kind of numb and/or that the happiness is a very shallow happiness and people are actually lacking real deep meaning and substance. It’s all kind of “white-washed”, sanitized, orderly, drab and boring - see Shiekh Abdal Hakim Murad’s YT videos above. I even came to the realization that a women can be like a delicate flower or rose. Instead of all this perverse sexual focus and worship of the body (or “the flesh” in Biblical words) that there were different epistemes in history where people were actually more “civilized” and human in many ways than our current one (which I would say is being influenced in very real Satanic ways) even if actually living and traveling and doing things of that sort were much harder. This society affects us all in many ways we are not quite even aware of.
The bureaucratic-military state vs. radical democracy and the socialist commons
So diminished have become the political horizons of much of the left in the neoliberal era that many have become captives of what Engels once called “a superstitious reverence for the state and everything connected with it”
- Think about that and what it means to be Muslim or, one’s attempt and striving to be a “true Muslim” as in one who submits or is trying to submit to Allah and has his heart on and for Allah.
I’m surprised Surah Al Maidah verses 5-8 (or 1-8) or not in the above work by Ibn Taymiyya because standing as a witness for Allah in (true) Justice is a part of the command of Allah S.W.T. and is an important aspect.
Since that is a nonsense claim, let me state what should be self-evident. Every socialist worth their salt (critically) supports programs that make life in capitalist society any bit easier for poor and working class people. But we are entirely capable of doing so without confusing such programs with socialist achievements.
We steer clear of such confusion by insisting on the inherently anti-democratic form of the modern state. This allows us to sharply differentiate real public control from state ownership and direction.
Here, we are following in the tracks of Marx’s insights in his 1852 text The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. This is a critically important work on many levels. But I want to focus on just one aspect of it: Marx’s analysis of the stiflingly bureaucratic nature of the modern state. Indeed, it is in the course of this analysis that Marx introduces the idea of “smashing” the capitalist form of political power.
In the seventh chapter of The Eighteenth Brumaire, Marx turns his sights to the character of the capitalist state in France — a state that had recently crushed a workers’ uprising (1848) and consolidated itself in the 1851 coup led by Louis Bonaparte (Napoleon Bonaparte’s grand-nephew).
Marx points out how this state massively concentrates power in the hands of the executive. Marx then denounces this “enormous bureaucratic and military organization, with its ingenious state machinery, embracing wide strata, with a host of officials numbering half a million, besides an army of another half million.” These troops and bureaucrats, he observes, are subject to no authority other than that of the president and his executive officers.
Marx declares that this state suffocates the social life of the people. He describes it as an “appalling parasitic body, which enmeshes the body of French society like a net and chokes all its pores.” Noting that these structures emerged under the absolute monarchy of the 18th century, he insists that the French bourgeoisie took over and “perfected” this bureaucratic-military form of state, adapting it to capitalist purposes.
Ah, but what of all the public works undertaken by this state — from schools and universities to bridges and publicly owned railways? Surely Marx saw these as progressive?
On the contrary. Marx argues that all these were formed by severing them from the common interests of the people — alienating them from the people by ensconcing them in the hands of the state bureaucracy. As a result, he wrote:
“Every common interest was straightaway severed from society, counterposed to it as a higher, general interest, snatched from the activity of society’s members themselves and made an object of government activity, from a bridge, a schoolhouse and the communal property of the village community to the railways, the national wealth and the national university of France.”
Rather than romanticize these “public” services and enterprises, Marx is scathing about their alienated form. These state operations have been “snatched from the activity of society’s members themselves.” Rather than communally operated lands, schools and universities — public services subject to democratic, community control — all these have been severed “from the common interests of the people.”[1]
Marx is here radically distinguishing between state ownership and communal ownership. The latter represents social property belonging to and regulated by the people. “Public” services and enterprises administered by the modern state, on the other hand, are merely controlled by a bureaucracy that chokes off the democratic lifeblood of real communities of people.
It is in the context of analyzing the alienated character of the bureaucratic machinery of modern government that Marx introduces the idea of “smashing” the state.
Since 1789, he claims, “[a]ll revolutions perfected this machine instead of smashing it.” In the great uprisings of 1830 and 1848, all parties simply sought “possession of this huge state edifice.”
Just pause and think maybe a bit.
But because Marx’s conception of socialism was a radically democratic one,[2] he knew that a workers’ revolution could not succeed if it simply sought “possession” of the bureaucratic state. The anti-democratic structures of such a state would undermine all efforts to radically democratize social and political life — if its military structures did not do so first.
This is why the bureaucratic and military structures of the modern state would need to be dismantled, superseded...”smashed.”
Let me here add two quick points. First, Marx’s metaphor of “smashing” must be read dialectically. There is nothing in it of a nihilist rage for destruction. Instead, what needs to be “smashed” are inherent obstacles to the construction of a democratic and communal form of social life. Marx imagines the dismantling of bureaucratic and military obstructions leading to a radical democratization which will bring about the withering away of the political state.
---Islam is different yes but revolutionary as well.
Bes D. Marx
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Whitney Webb is somebody to take knowledge from:
Before Skool • 59K views
Whitney Webb has been a professional writer, researcher, and journalist since 2016. She has written for several websites and, from 2017 to 2020, was a staff writer and senior investigative...
POLITICO 80K views Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon sits down with Dasha Burns, POLITICO's White House bureau chief. ----------------------------------------- Subscribe to our channel! https://ww...
This was great. Their world knowledge is pretty spectacular. They think of things I never would have thought of but then I'm like, wow, why didn't I think of that?:
Dialogue Works 58K views
Didn't watch: Israel STUNNED: Yemen STILL BOMBING Tel Aviv, Missiles Hit US Carrier w/ Mohammad Marandi Danny Haiphong • 136K views In this episode, Prof. Mohammad Marandi reacts to Yemen's ongoing strikes both inside of Israel and against US naval and aircraft carriers in the Red Sea. Despite moves toward "ceasefire",...
Good video:
Prolekult • 12K views Everything Under Heaven is a short documentary looking at the continued proliferation of antagonisms between global powers, the threat of global - even nuclear - war, and the crisis of imperialist...