Start this post by sharing these pretty awesome posts:
Now to more serious matters
Got around to watching:
From the comments:
Rashad Ibn 1 month ago (edited) This was an interesting session that definitely highlighted some salient points about the CIA. I enjoy Chris Hedges and have almost read all of his books. However I think it would be unwise to take everything at face value about the CIA kind of stumbling into mismanagement, assassinations, and lack of oversight since 9/11. The predecessor to the CIA, the OSS founded in 1942, under Roosevelt was the same criminal, entity. It allowed drugs to be sold into poor African American neighborhoods to fund the secret war against communism in Europe. There is no evidence to suggest this has ended. This is about institutionalizing plunder, murder, exploitation, and sin in secrecy, and will not end just because you close the door of the CIA. I hope that Chris could one day interview someone like Doug Valentine, I think personally his CIA knowledge is more holistic and comprehensive. The Real News Network 1 month ago Thanks for the feedback, Rashad! Rashad Ibn 1 month ago @The Real News Network Thanks for having the interview, love your work! Bisquick 1 month ago
EXACTLY this Rashad. Reminded of Michael Parenti, an excerpt from his piece Mystery: How Wealth Creates Poverty which I think can be easily extrapolated in its direct and plain language to illuminate your more than apt contention (highly recommend anyone interested in this angle to check out the full piece which fleshes all this out far more, merely trying to condense the point I think Rashad is getting at):
In their perpetual confusion, some liberal critics conclude that foreign aid and IMF and World Bank structural adjustments “do not work”; the end result is less self-sufficiency and more poverty for the recipient nations, they point out. Why then do the rich member states continue to fund the IMF and World Bank? Are their leaders just less intelligent than the critics who keep pointing out to them that their policies are having the opposite effect?
No, it is the critics who are stupid not the western leaders and investors who own so much of the world and enjoy such immense wealth and success. They pursue their aid and foreign loan programs because such programs do work. The question is, work for whom? Cui bono? The purpose behind their investments, loans, and aid programs is not to uplift the masses in other countries. That is certainly not the business they are in. T
he purpose is to serve the interests of global capital accumulation, to take over the lands and local economies of Third World peoples, monopolize their markets, depress their wages, indenture their labor with enormous debts, privatize their public service sector, and prevent these nations from emerging as trade competitors by not allowing them a normal development.In these respects, investments, foreign loans, and structural adjustments work very well indeed.The real mystery is: why do some people find such an analysis to be so improbable, a “conspiratorial” imagining? Why are they skeptical that U.S. rulers knowingly and deliberately pursue such ruthless policies (suppress wages, rollback environmental protections, eliminate the public sector, cut human services) in the Third World?
These rulers are pursuing much the same policies right here in our own country!Isn’t it time that liberal critics stop thinking that the people who own so much of the world---and want to own it all---are “incompetent” or “misguided” or “failing to see the unintended consequences of their policies”? You are not being very smart when you think your enemies are not as smart as you. They know where their interests lie, and so should we.
Conversely, William Casey, demonic arcon CIA Director under Reagan, also comes to mind, in his hubris unambiguously describing the intended efficacy of Operation Mockingbird,
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
Surely he's giving two big thumbs up in hell, which at this point is probably hard to distinguish from the world he helped create for us...ubiquitously inundated via a technologically mediated digital spectacle that effectively keeps us systemically paralyzed in an individually insulated social miasma of reaction, tragedy, and farce... But uh...pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will...or something lol...
Actually, if anyone's interested, I'm recalling Parenti's lecture on Conspiracy and Class Power gets at the CIA angle far more directly and I think is also a great breakdown of the social gaslighting and correspondingly cultivated ideological lacunas/compartmentalization that constantly erode our confidence/imagination to act/organize effectively toward any sort of collective escape velocity by reinforcing a broader historical understanding and continuity which necessarily breaks down and overrides any artificially imposed mental barriers through a concrete existential "dasein" communion with the larger scope of history and by extension each other, ie anchoring of our unique experience situated within this particular time/space to a broader class consciousness - in the same sort of guiding world spirit principle of universal justice Chris so eloquently speaks to, but rooted from a more marxist perspective of dialectical/historical materialism, if that made any sense lol...:
youtu (dot) be/t21UZxRYYA4 "The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently." - the late great David Graeber - Socialism or [continued] barbarism.
Dulles did get Kennedy because he fired him after the Bay of Pigs. I'm a Navy radioman vet that was stationed at Naval Communications Station Binh Thuy. The CIA was running poppy flying in Cessna bird dogs down to the air base in Can Tho and going up river in PBR's with South Vietnamese military to Chau Doc.
One time a NSA boss asked me in the radio shack does the CIA and DIA share info. I told him that's your job. He just wanted to see if I was going to talk. My response pissed him off he goes I beg your pardon then I said you heard me don't play that white boy sh*t with me and you're excused. He left hot because he thought this black man was going to punk out.
After serving 4 years in the Navy in Intelligence with a secret clearance I worked another 14.5 years in the Department of Defense in “supply chain management.” I directly supplied every U.S. military base in the world and our navy ships by FEDEX overnight shipping. I worked a mandatory 2 hours overtime every day.
Our foreign policy is indirectly operated by Wall Street. Or what is called as “The Military Industrial Complex.” What’s even worse the World bankers use our FED and the IRS and the U.S. Treasury as a “Kitty” to control World Policy.
In other words, the U.S. dollar is blood money. Furthermore, the Global elite use the CIA and Israel’s Mossad and Britain’s MI6 as secret operatives to ensure World dominance.
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) created by the late David Rockefeller is directing the reigns on any President. The CFR always has representatives in the State Department unchosen by the President. This dude was a goody two shoe.
---------------------------- Woah 0000-------------
This is interesting:
Seems like almost like some bot-like A.I.-assisted video coming from Macron or Macron's camp. First Post - is nearly there "first post" and has all the tags or keywords and a big catchy title. Is it true, who knows...?
Things appear to be moving though in Europe.
Greetings my dear truth seekers. Poland accuses Germany of selfishness because Berlin wants to
0:25 help its industry to buy gas in the face of the biggest energy crisis since the Second World War.
0:31 Warsaw is very unhappy with Germany's attempts to save its industry, as this
0:35 will not allow the European Union to raise enough money for Poland to buy expensive gas.
0:40 In principle, the discontent of the Poles can be understood.
0:44 Germany makes it clear that all that matters to it is to save only its industry, and Berlin
0:49 will try to save its factories this winter only by taking gas from neighboring countries. Simply put,
0:55 the EU has a serious problem now. This winter, in the European Union everyone will be for himself.
1:03 The other day, Berlin announced its plan to allocate an exorbitant amount of 200
1:07 billion euros to support German industry, which is being hit hard by high gas prices,
1:11 and to abandon the gas tax, which was supposed to be introduced on October 1. Against the background
1:18 of the energy crisis, factories in Germany are reducing production volumes or closing.
1:23 And attempts to support German enterprises in such difficult days on the part of the German
1:28 authorities seem natural and logical. However, Poland does not think so. Polish Prime Minister
1:35 Mateusz Morawiecki accused Germany of selfishness. The Prime Minister of Poland said that “The energy
1:42 policy of the European Union should not be implemented under the dictation of Germany.
1:47 According to him, Germany constantly tells everyone in Europe how to behave and what to do.
1:53 Mateusz Morawiecki claims that today Berlin, using the powerful force of its economy, its capital,
1:58 wants to allocate huge funds, specifically 200 billion euros, to help only German industry.
2:04 The Prime Minister of Poland also added that the Polish government is doing everything to
2:09 help Polish households with the prices of gas and electricity and that Warsaw will make every effort
2:14 to fight for the preservation of Polish industry. The Polish prime minister is confident that
2:20 Germany's actions to support its gas importers are destructive for the entire European Union.
2:25 Warsaw has officially declared that Poland will never allow Polish industry to be in a worse
2:30 position than the industry of Germany, Austria, or other countries of the European Union. In part,
2:36 Poland's dissatisfaction can be understood because over the past twenty years, the European Union,
2:42 with the very active support of Germany, France, and other countries of Western Europe,
2:46 has been reducing direct and indirect subsidies to both state-owned enterprises and the private
2:51 sector in countries of Eastern Europe. That is why many industries in countries of Eastern
2:56 Europe could not function normally. However, on the other hand, it is Poland that is the largest
3:02 recipient of grants and European assistance in terms of infrastructure and equalization funds.
3:07 And it is Germany, as the main donor, that helps the Polish economy through these funds.
3:13 As for Germany, you need to understand that the gas crisis actually hit it harder than
3:17 France or Austria. The current crisis hits the EU countries in different ways.
3:23 For example, France and Austria are in a better position than other countries in Western or
3:28 Central Europe because these countries have a more diversified generation structure.
3:33 France is dominated by nuclear energy, while Austria has a relatively high share of hydropower.
3:39 Therefore, the crisis will affect these countries less than, for example, Germany, which is quite
3:45 seriously dependent on gas imports. Therefore, I fully understand Germany's desire to help its
3:51 industry, since it is the German industry that is the locomotive of the entire European Union.
3:56 On the other hand, assistance for the German industry in the form of 200 billion euros can
4:01 significantly worsen the situation of enterprises in neighboring countries, including Poland,
4:06 since thanks to subsidies, German enterprises will be able to pay more for energy resources,
4:10 respectively, they will be able to physically receive more gas.
4:14 This means that some other factories from neighboring European countries will be
4:18 left without energy and will not be able to work normally. In Poland, they are well aware of this,
4:24 and therefore Warsaw entered into an open battle against Germany for energy resources.
4:30 Poland is now making every effort to ensure that Germany does not draw part of the energy
4:34 resources from its neighbors to itself. Warsaw plans to deprive Germany of Norwegian gas.
4:41 Germany and Poland have already entered the battle for uncontracted volumes of Norwegian gas.
4:47 It is worth noting another important fact. Poland communicates so sharply and rudely only with
4:53 Germany. France, for example, does not cause such a nervous reaction from the Polish authorities.
5:00 Although Paris is also actively helping only its real sector of the economy by limiting
5:05 electricity prices. In the past few months, Poland has stepped up its conflict with Germany.
5:11 Warsaw suddenly started demanding war reparations from Germany and started accusing Berlin of
5:16 misappropriating energy resources. It is obvious that Europe found itself in such a difficult
5:22 situation for the first time since the Second World War. And everything that is happening
5:27 indicates that the much-lauded ''European Unity'' has ceased to exist and that European countries
5:32 have begun to think only about their own skin by taking resources from their neighbors.
LOL - up is down down is up; the world is upside down -
all right Alexandra let's talk about the
0:01 situation with regards to oil and OPEC
0:04 plus and a two million Barrel a day
0:07 production cut
0:10 this is after Biden went to Saudi Arabia
0:13 and he was talking about Saudi Arabia
0:15 actually increasing capacity by a
0:17 million increasing production by a
0:19 million million barrels a day the Saudis
0:21 said uh uh we were talking about
0:23 increasing capacity in 2027 by about a
0:27 million barrels a day nothing to do with
0:30 production but uh you know Biden thought
0:32 that he had uh he had everything squared
0:35 away he didn't he doesn't the U.S is
0:39 flipping out they are saying that this
0:41 is some sort of collusion between MBS
0:43 and Putin and Saudi Arabia's siding with
0:46 Russia and Saudi Arabia is going to pay
0:48 a very heavy price for this betrayal
0:51 meanwhile Biden is looking at Venezuela
0:54 to try and help out and Biden is now
0:56 going to re-tap he had a little bit of a
0:59 pause like about a week's pause but now
1:01 he's going to re-tap into America's
1:04 strategic petroleum reserves which are
1:06 already at a 40-year low retired [ __ ]
1:11 Red Alert low uh
1:14 not looking good
1:16 for Biden Saudi Arabia has uh has
1:20 definitely sent the collective West a
1:23 message though
1:24 I think Saudi Arabia was just acting out
1:26 in its best interest given also
1:29 everything that the collective West has
1:30 tried to do to OPEC and to oil into gas
1:33 into energy they've been trying to
1:35 control energy and the price of oil and
1:38 the price of gas and Saudi Arabia is
1:40 just saying
1:41 no we're not going to put up with this
1:43 we're going to do what's in our best
1:44 interest and
1:45 we're not going to let you guys walk all
1:47 over us that's and you can see it in
1:49 that exchange between the Reuters
1:50 reporter and the Saudi energy Minister I
1:52 think that exchange had a lot of meaning
1:55 a lot of hidden meeting there you know
1:57 we're we're a sovereign country we're
1:58 not going to let you guys uh roll all
2:01 over us or control us anyway uh
2:03 incredible developments that have taken
2:05 place and actually I think I was reading
2:06 an article Alexander I forgot what it
2:08 was about I forgot what it was about I
2:09 forgot what it exactly was saying but it
2:12 was from Bloomberg and it was something
2:13 along the lines of
2:15 um
2:17 so oh yeah I know what it is Saudi
2:19 Arabia has said a ramco aramco has said
2:22 that they're going to actually sell oil
2:24 to the West at 20 cents more
2:28 while they're going to leave the price
2:29 of oil exported to Asia at its current
2:32 price levels kind of like a cherry a
2:35 cherry on top of the uh of the uh I'm
2:39 gonna use a bad word of the you know
2:41 what cake
2:43 everything that's happening incredible
2:46 yeah I I think you're completing right
2:48 now let's talk about this Russian
2:49 collusion between Saudi Arabia you know
2:51 the Democrats are obsessed with the
2:53 topic of Russian collusion everybody
2:55 colludes with the Russians who does what
2:57 the Democrats in the United States don't
3:00 like so Trump was in collusion with the
3:03 Russians except he wasn't the Saudis are
3:05 in collusion with the Russians what are
3:07 they in collusion with the Russians well
3:09 they did agree a production cup with the
3:13 Russians but then everybody all the
3:16 other members of OPEC and by the way
3:18 just just for those who don't know
3:19 Venezuela is a member of OPEC too one of
3:22 these countries have agreed a production
3:25 cup why have they agreed a production
3:28 cup what is OPEC OPEC is an oil
3:33 producers cartel I mean that's what it
3:36 is and what is the purpose of a cartel
3:38 it is to control the price of oil oil
3:42 producers cartel wants to control the
3:45 price of oil
3:47 what have Western governments been
3:50 trying to do
3:52 throughout the summer
3:54 they've been trying to control the price
3:57 of oil they've been trying to put push
4:00 oil prices down and they've done it with
4:05 all kinds of ways they've tried to uh um
4:08 well the Saudis believe engineer
4:11 recessions in their own countries which
4:13 will bring down the price of all that's
4:15 one thing well I think the other thing
4:17 and the Saudi we've been saying this on
4:19 so many programs this idea of a price
4:22 cap on Russian oil
4:25 enforced through the oil industry
4:30 for an oil producers cartel like OPEC is
4:34 anathema it means that the price of oil
4:37 will no longer be decided in discussions
4:41 between Riyadh and uh Abu Dhabi and uh
4:47 um you know Caracas and Tehran and
4:49 indeed even Moscow the oil producers
4:51 it's going to be decided by a consumer's
4:55 cartel by the G7 countries which will be
5:00 able to control the price of oil through
5:02 using the insurance industry now there
5:05 is no conceivable way that the Saudis
5:07 would allow a thing like that to happen
5:10 so they've retaliated they've said in
5:13 this kind of situation
5:15 oil prices are already lagging Energy
5:19 prices General Edge energy crisis
5:22 they've been lagging the rising food
5:24 prices we're not going to go along with
5:27 these crazy plans that you have if
5:31 you're going to go down this route we're
5:33 going to cut production why is the uh
5:35 the Biden White House then just just not
5:40 engaging with OPEC you're absolutely
5:43 correct because see the trouble is they
5:44 can't engage they can't just engage with
5:47 OPEC if they're going to stabilize oil
5:51 prices which is something by the way
5:52 which OPEC has been telling them right
5:55 from the first day of this whole crisis
5:57 if they're going to engage with OPEC
6:00 they have to engage with Russia they
6:03 have to restore smooth functioning to
6:08 the oil Market the global oil Market
6:10 what is happening is because of this
6:13 sanctions war that the West has
6:15 described launched against Russia
6:19 they are destabilizing they are actually
6:21 Vulcanizing the global oil Market
6:24 they're just dividing it up into
6:26 segments so exactly as aramco said oil
6:32 the price of oil in Asia is now going to
6:36 be less than the price of oil in the
6:39 west because Asia is importing oil from
6:43 wherever it's produced from Russia from
6:45 the Gulf from Africa from wherever
6:49 whereas oil in the west is going to be
6:52 more expensive because the West is
6:54 refusing to import oil from the country
6:57 Wishes the second biggest producer so it
7:02 it it's it's it's illogical they're bad
7:05 the West is driving it's idiotic
7:11 go ahead you were saying it now
7:14 what makes it particularly idiotic and
7:16 what I was going to say was this
7:18 um before the sanctions were imposed I
7:22 can remember that I remember you
7:23 remember tracking all the discussions
7:24 that were taking place about the
7:26 sanctions the oil industry I'm talking
7:28 about the Western oil companies you know
7:31 Exxon Mobil or Texaco all of them
7:34 they're all consulted and they were told
7:37 don't do this thing it'd be a huge
7:40 mistake at oil markets at the moment are
7:44 very tight you mustn't impose sanctions
7:49 against Russian oil because if you do
7:52 you will create major oil shortages and
7:56 imbalances and structural problems in
7:58 the world oil market and of course you
8:01 will
8:02 annoy the soundies and enrage OPEC they
8:07 went ahead and did it anyway because
8:08 they imagined
8:10 that you know the Russian economy was
8:13 this house of cards that you know if
8:15 they blew strongly enough it would just
8:17 all come tumbling down and it hasn't and
8:21 because they you were talking about the
8:24 Biden Administration you know they have
8:26 this enormous sense of entitlement the
8:29 Democrats in the US have an enormous
8:31 sense of entitlement they assume that
8:33 Saudi Arabia's job is to increase
8:36 production to get them out of their
8:37 problems even as the Democrats Janet
8:41 Yellen come up with hair brain schemes
8:44 to
8:45 lower the oil price through using the
8:49 insurance the European insurance
8:50 industry and of course again
8:53 complete complete disregard of Saudi
8:56 interests Saudi concerns and of course
9:00 the Saudis as you absolutely right you
9:02 say say well you know we don't have any
9:05 we we you know you may have your your
9:07 sense of entitlement but we have our
9:10 national interests
9:12 from our point of view from Saudi
9:15 Arabia's point of view maintaining
9:19 stability as they would call it which in
9:21 this moment in time means a high oil
9:23 price is essential for us
9:26 and that's what we're going to do
9:30 I mean this whole Affair so
9:33 so ironic but so
9:36 so Justified you know it's almost Poetic
9:39 Justice in a way because here you have
9:40 Saudi Arabia
9:42 who everyone thought was
9:44 the uh the the the puppet poodle of the
9:48 United States its only goal everyone
9:50 would always think oh the only goal of
9:52 Saudi Arabia is to prop up the USD
9:54 that's the only reason uh for their
9:56 existence is to be a client state of the
9:58 US and they're the ones that are now
10:01 acting out in their best interest
10:03 they're acting as a 100 Sovereign Nation
10:09 and they're siding with Russia the
10:11 Eternal enemy of uh of the uh Collective
10:15 West at this point in time you can't you
10:17 can't get a a bigger enemy than Russia
10:19 for for the uh Collective West well at
10:22 the same time you have Saudi Arabia
10:26 showing what sovereignty means and and
10:28 how you go about looking after your
10:30 country's best interests MBs is doing
10:33 this well you have a bunch of poodle lap
10:36 dog
10:37 uh just empty suits in the European
10:40 Union going along with the destruction
10:42 of their own country at the behest of
10:45 Another Empty suit sitting at the White
10:48 House who doesn't know what day of the
10:50 week it is and that the whole thing is
10:52 just it's it's beyond crazy it is beyond
10:57 nuts and everyone is going along with
10:59 this in the collective West everyone is
11:02 going along with this the this is not
11:04 even the blind leading the blind this is
11:07 like this is far worse than that and
11:10 Saudi Arabia is actually showing how
11:12 sovereignty is done to all of us
11:15 Europeans supposedly Us free Sovereign
11:18 European nations yes this is upside down
11:21 world if you told me it's going to
11:24 happen 10 years ago I would have been
11:25 like what are you talking about yes I
11:28 mean what did shows what he does show is
11:30 is the extent to which the world the
11:32 world has changed because I agreed 10
11:34 years ago the Saudis would not have
11:36 dared act against the US in this kind of
11:39 fashion but they've looked at the US now
11:41 they've seen what happened what has gone
11:43 in the U.S they've seen the Biden
11:44 Administration they've met Biden they
11:47 earned as you correctly say they say you
11:49 know we've got other options we got
11:51 China we can we which is a powerful
11:53 country and it's friend we got Russia
11:55 which is a powerful country which is our
11:58 friend we've stabilized the Middle East
12:00 to a great extent so now you know at the
12:03 end of the day we are going to pursue
12:04 our own interests so we have a new uh
12:07 leader in MBS who is not you know the
12:10 decrepit figure of the you know the
12:12 previous Saudi monarchs were who just
12:15 couldn't even conceive of any kind of
12:18 situation where they didn't do America's
12:20 bidding so you know the world has
12:22 changed you have leaders in Saudi Arabia
12:26 as I was extraordinary to say this I
12:27 agree and you know I'm almost swallowing
12:29 my tongue as I say that but you do and
12:33 of course you have poodles in Europe and
12:36 you know the Europe which Once Upon a
12:38 Time was led by leaders like you know
12:40 Napoleon Lou the 14th de Gaulle in
12:44 France Winston Churchill William Pitt in
12:47 Britain well we won't Touch Too Much on
12:50 who has led Germany in the past but
12:52 anyway Europe which had you know an
12:55 outstanding extraordinary statesmanship
12:57 powerful leaders Once Upon a Time
12:59 and you know if uh Biden of all people
13:03 tells them you know when impose more
13:06 sanctions on yourself in order to annoy
13:09 booty well they'll say yes and you know
13:12 tell us more that we can do because you
13:15 know if if it means we're going to close
13:17 down even more of our factories well
13:19 that's that's fine with us
13:22 okay final question uh how does this uh
13:25 play out who's going to feel the pain
13:26 first obviously Europe is going to feel
13:28 that I imagine first when is the US
13:30 going to start feeling the pain is there
13:32 a way out yeah well this is a good
13:33 question well this is a good question I
13:36 mean I mean Europeans get to feel the
13:38 pain it's going to feel the pain almost
13:39 immediately and I mean I I can one can
13:42 sense this we're already in Britain by
13:44 the way that's now talk about uh
13:46 three-hour blackouts on particular days
13:50 you know this is now apparently being
13:53 planned and rehearsed how that would
13:55 work so you can see you could see where
13:58 we're going in Europe but it is going to
14:00 have an effect on the US because
14:02 um if oil prices are high in the west
14:05 they're going to be higher in the United
14:06 States that's not going to work well for
14:09 the Democrats presumably in the midterms
14:11 if all prices are now going to start
14:13 Rising again it's all very well for
14:15 Biden to deplete the Strategic service
14:18 he's been doing but there comes a point
14:20 where that becomes extremely dangerous
14:22 and there's a finite a finite amount in
14:25 those reserves anyway
14:27 so I think it could have a political
14:30 effect over the next couple of weeks and
14:33 there could be a a bigger knock-on
14:35 effect in the U.S later because of
14:38 course the US is very very sensitive to
14:41 oil price movements politically and
14:43 economically now I will say this there's
14:45 been talk about the U.S restricting oil
14:49 exports to try and keep the price of
14:52 Royal in the U.S low there's even some
14:56 murmurings denied by U.S officials to
14:59 Reuters that LNG exports might be
15:03 restricted as well Energy prices are
15:05 rising in the U.S too
15:08 um if that happens I mean Europe is
15:11 stuffed frankly I mean I I mean if if
15:14 they can't import oil that LNG from you
15:17 from the US well what have they got left
15:20 but I will repeat again what we've said
15:23 many times on many programs the
15:26 Democrats are focused on power in the
15:29 United States if it's important to them
15:33 to try to keep the economy in the U.S
15:36 running in a way that prevents a
15:39 complete wipeout in the midterms
15:41 or a further political crisis beyond the
15:44 midterms and if that requires
15:46 restricting oil and LNG exports they
15:51 will do it regardless of what Europe
15:54 says or thinks and of course if that
15:57 happens the Democrats are now absolutely
16:01 confident that even if somebody like
16:03 Robert Harbeck complains as he's just
16:06 done right away about astronomical costs
16:09 prices for us LNG it's not going to
16:12 change anything because the poodles of
16:15 brothels will continue to dance to the
16:18 American Tune however bad in Europe it
16:21 gets
WION 592K views
My opinion is, the United States, Russia, North Korea and other countries that poseses this kind of technology shouldn't have destroyed these weapons. South Africa got rid of nuclear weapons voluntarily, but other countries kept these destructive weapons and that where the problem is. No country should poses such weapons on earth truth be told.
Bojangles 1 day ago All nations should condemn the use of nuclear weapons by anyone for any reason. There should be a unilateral agreement to rid all nuclear arsenals from all nations. When a nuclear bomb is detonated everyone in the world loses. Take into consideration Chernobyl an area uninhabitable for 3000 years due to the nuclear disaster and that was an accident imagine what would happen if nuclear bombs started exploding on purpose. 160 :up:
david hodge 1 day ago I sure hope not. It seems like all of our governments are crazy. 180 :up:
DLH 7805
1 day ago
peace is so elusive to this world, but would be so much easier on everyone…& I have to believe it’s what 99.9% of people want…let’s not let the 0.1% destroy our world - we need take a stand - collectively!
222 :up: (- Thumbs ups!)
Lee Doucette
1 day ago
I SERIOUSLY can't believe that Anyone would ever think of using NUCLEAR weapons after the devastation of Japan
Raymond Rothstein
1 day ago (edited)
I can't be the only one sitting here asking myself this one question...How did we elect leaders that have a cold war mentality and something to prove? Surely if the world wants to evolve, you would vote people that will develop their countries, not destroy them in a long lost grudge and mentality.
------ I love this guy
after provocation they are endorsing or
8:28 ignoring every atrocity carried out by
8:32 their Nazi and fascist and extreme
8:35 Ukrainian nationalist collaborators all
8:39 to force a war with Russia
8:42 the question for you is this do you want
8:48 a war with Russia
8:50 as Donald Trump said it might end all
8:54 human life on the planet
8:56 do you want
8:57 your children and your grandchildren
8:59 wiped out in a war to decide whether
9:03 isium
9:04 which has crossed borders ten times and
9:08 500 years it's been in Russia been in
9:11 Ukraine been in Poland
9:14 which country it's to be in
9:17 could be asked you ready to die for
9:19 cupions because you will
9:22 if the nuclear Rockets start firing
9:26 are you ready
9:29 to die for balaclia try saying that in a
9:33 hurry
9:34 that's what this war is about
9:37 whether these places are in Russia
9:42 and the people are Russian they speak
9:44 Russian they identify as Russian they
9:48 want to be Russian and all you liberals
9:50 all in favor of self-identification
9:54 regard these people
9:56 as Russians trapped in a Ukrainian body
10:00 regard them as people in transition have
10:03 some compassion let them identify
*HEART LOVE SYMBOL* and a smile from me
10:07 that's not what you normally say isn't
10:10 that what you blood guard everybody else
10:12 for not wanting to say
10:15 these people are Russians they're
10:18 trapped in a Ukrainian body and they are
10:21 determined to be what they want to be to
10:25 dress as they want to dress talk as they
10:28 want to talk be themselves why don't you
10:32 understand that why instead are you
10:35 ready to kill all of us to stop copyansk
10:40 being in Russia I keep saying it because
10:42 I know you've never heard of copansk I
10:46 know you couldn't Place her on the map
10:48 you can't spell it you can't even say it
10:53 even I have to write it down
10:56 you're going to die for copansk if
11:00 something is not done to stop this
11:03 headlong Dash
11:05 to catastrophe because it's happening
11:08 tomorrow morning
11:10 because Russia
11:12 will reply
11:14 to Ukraine's birthday present on the
11:17 couch Bridge
11:19 and they will reply
11:21 swiftly
11:22 and devastatingly
11:25 if you're in a British or American
11:27 linked installation in Kiev right now
11:30 I'd get out of there as fast as you can
11:35 if you are in any proximity at all to
11:39 anything connected with NATO and with
11:42 the foreign governments whose soldiers
11:45 yes soldiers trainers Special Forces
11:49 diplomats propagandists financiers and
11:53 armorers are teaming in Kiev I'd get out
11:57 of the way very quickly if I was you
12:00 because I feel sure that tomorrow will
12:04 not be a good day for Ukraine it will
12:08 not be a good day for anyone living
12:13 anywhere near
12:15 the installations and the infrastructure
12:18 of the NATO
12:20 Invaders of the Ukraine professor John
12:23 milsheimer
12:25 no Bolshevik him
12:28 no Russian
12:29 him no communist
12:32 no leftists
12:34 professor John mirchimer advised you in
12:39 a speech you can watch right after this
12:41 show on YouTube
12:44 that Ukraine is going to be led into a
12:48 Minefield by NATO policy
12:52 it's going to be in a desperate pickle
12:55 he said with masterful understatement he
12:59 said Professor mircheimer not me
13:03 that Ukraine is going to be destroyed
13:08 by these NATO provocations which began
13:12 at least in 2014 with the overthrow of
13:18 the elected government in Kiev and its
13:20 replacement by a Motley collection of
13:24 Nazis fascists and extreme Ukrainian
13:27 nationalists whose First Act
13:30 was to delegitimize and illegalize
13:34 the Russian language in the eastern part
13:37 of their country where 40 percent of
13:40 their population lives
13:43 were to be made foreigners in their own
13:47 land and they have never accepted it
13:50 will never accept it and so all of you
13:55 seeking to recover as you put it the
13:59 Crimean Peninsula which has been Russian
14:02 for longer than the United States has
14:05 even existed for 500 years the Russian
14:10 Navy has been docked there
14:14 those of you seeking to recover Donetsk
14:18 or mariopal
14:20 this is moonshine do you think a
14:24 nuclear-armed superpower like Russia is
14:27 going to allow that to happen and if
14:30 there was even the remotest danger of it
14:33 happening the nuclear weapons would fly
14:35 and Trump would be right and we would be
14:39 dead
14:45 and for isium
14:48 is it worth it
14:50 I know it's not your son that's going to
14:52 be sent to fight there it's somebody
14:54 else's son
14:56 but it's your son that's going to die
14:58 when the Rockets start firing start fire
15:01 start firing they will tomorrow
15:05 so when Russia wreaks its terrible
15:07 Revenge for the attack that they warned
15:11 over and over again was a red line for
15:13 them
15:15 in the morning tomorrow
15:17 the question is what your leaders are
15:21 going to do next
15:23 so far
15:25 despite one after another losing their
15:27 majority losing their seat losing their
15:30 office
15:32 they keep on
15:33 keeping on
15:35 the question is
15:37 how long are you going to put up with it
15:41 especially when
15:43 on every other front
15:45 your governments are such miserable
15:48 failures
15:50 we've got an imposter
15:53 in 10 Downing Street in Britain if she
15:57 wandered into a local Town Hall in
16:01 cleethorpes and claimed to be a local
16:04 councilor nobody would believe her
16:07 they'd think she was a mad woman that
16:10 walked in off the street with delusions
16:13 of grandeur that she's the lady mayor of
16:16 cleethorpes that's the level of delusion
16:19 I'm talking about
16:22 of course she's in office but not in
16:25 power
16:26 it was the chancellor him that big bad
16:29 boy that done it and ran away
16:32 who decided on a budget so berserk that
16:36 even the conservative party could not
16:39 stomach it for more than 48 hours and
16:43 forced them to scrap it in the middle of
16:46 their own Party Conference in Birmingham
16:51 oh no she's saying today I'm not going
16:54 to cut people's benefits as I said for
16:57 the last six weeks I was going to do
17:00 that was him over there's idea not mine
17:05 but she is in office
17:08 and a good War awake the dog
17:12 is always attractive
17:15 for a leader in trouble is it not
17:19 this dress is particularly dangerous
17:22 right now because
17:25 she may be gone by Christmas
17:28 Joe Biden Bonkers Joe Biden
17:32 is particularly dangerous right now
17:36 because he's facing
17:38 the mother of all thrashings in the
17:40 midterm elections in just a few weeks
17:44 time in November
17:46 a wagging of the dog would do Joe
17:49 some good perhaps
17:51 what's a try
17:53 is it not little soldier Schultz the
17:57 head of a minority government in Berlin
18:01 might not survive the New Year either so
18:04 why not turn up the amp turn up the
18:09 volume
18:10 turn up the weapons
18:12 flying like some monstrous Dark Cloud
18:17 that will rain down acid
18:21 and nuclear winter
18:23 on all of us fasten your seat belts I
18:27 promise you tonight is going to be an
18:30 even more bumpy ride this is the mother
18:33 of all talk shows
Where is my country?
Where is my country?
Where is my country?
The good people of the United States of America. - We are M.I.A. (The Gov. - The Pentagon - Our morals and values -).
- The flag is in the dirt.
- Burning in hell.
- Is just words. Go cry about it. Beseech me or others. P.C. crap censorship while everyone cusses up a storm and drinks like there's no tomorrow (well on the weekends or when we don't have to work the next day or early the next day...) - but THAT'S COOL. Normal. Be free I say! - Alpha Hippie Male (started reading - good book). - Seriously...I am addicted to nicotine and started smoking because my vape isn't working. NOW that IS BAD.
116. “And when We said to the angels: ‘Prostrate to Adam’, they (all) prostrated except Iblis; he refused.”
From the beginning of the Qur’an up to here, this is the sixth occurrence where we recite about the story of Adam and Iblis. Before this, there have also been some remarks mentioned in Suras Al-Baqarah, Al-’A‘raf, Al-Hijr, Al-’Isra’, and Al-Kahf.
The purpose of ‘covenant’, mentioned in this verse, is the command of Allah saying not to eat from that particular plant; and the objective meaning of ‘forgot’ is the lack of care in fulfilling the command of Allah (s.w.t.), otherwise, an absolute forgetfulness does not deserve warning and criticism.
The purpose of ‘constancy’, mentioned in the above, is ‘a firm will’ before the temptations of Iblis.
Imam Kazem (as) says:
“The command of prostration and then the disobedience of Satan is a kind of solace for the Prophet of Islam (S) meaning that if his command was not obeyed, he would not be worried since Iblis did not obey His command, either.”1
As it was mentioned before, the struggle of ‘right and wrong’ is not limited to the present time and past time, or to Moses (as) and Pharaoh. It has existed since the time of the creation of Adam and it continues forever.
At first, the Qur’an refers to the convent of Adam with Allah.
It says:
“And We had made covenant with Adam before, but he forgot, and We found in him no constancy.”
The purpose of this covenant cited in the abovementioned verse, is the command of Allah meaning that they would not approach the prohibited tree.
No doubt Adam did not commit any sin, but what he did was ‘leaving the better’. The course of dwelling Adam inside Heaven, in principle, was an experimental course for him to be prepared for the life of the present world and accepting the responsibility of duties.
Then, the Qur’an has pointed to another part of this story, when the verse says:
“And when We said to the angels: ‘Prostrate to Adam’, they (all) prostrated except Iblis; he refused.”
Here, by this statement, the great rank and position of Adam is made manifest, Adam whom all angels prostrated for. Moreover, the enmity of Iblis against him, from very beginning, is also manifested.
There is no doubt that prostration, in the sense of worship, is allocated to Allah (s.w.t.), and besides Allah no one and nothing can be worshipped. Thus, the prostration of angels was done before Allah (s.w.t.), but for the sake of the creation of this great creature, Adam, who was eligible of the praise of that Creator.
فَقُلْنَا يَآ ادَمُ إِنَّ هَذَا عَدُوٌّ لَكَ وَلِزَوْجِكَ فَلاَ يُخْرِجَنَّكُمَا مِنَ الْجَنَّةِ فَتَشْقَي
إِنَّ لَكَ أَلاَّ تَجُوعَ فِيهَا وَلاَ تَعْرَي
وَأَنَّكَ لاَ تَظْمَؤُا فِيهَا وَلاَ تَضْحَي
117. “Then We said: ‘O Adam! Verily this is an enemy to you and to your wife. Therefore let him not expel you both from the Garden so that you come to toil.” 118. “(For) verily you will be neither hungry therein, nor naked.” 119. “And that you shall not be thirsty therein nor suffer (the beat of) the sun.”
Here, Satan has been introduced as the enemy of Adam and Eve alone, but in some other occurrences of the Qur’an his enmity unto all humankind has been warned.
For example, Surah Al-’Isra’, No. 17, verse 53 says:
“…Verily the Satan is an open enemy to man.”
The objective meaning of the word /tašqa/ (you come to toil), mentioned here, is the toils of the material life, which is understood from the next verses, where it says that there is not any hanger or thirst or nakedness in Heaven. This statement means that if you be sent out from Heaven, you will surely be involved with toil.
However, this verse indicates that Adam (as) was warned by Allah (s.w.t.) to be careful of the enmity of Satan.
The holy verse says:
“Then We said: ‘O Adam! Verily this is an enemy to you and to your wife. Therefore let him not expel you both from the Garden so that you come to toil.”
Then Allah explains for Adam the comfort of Heaven and the toil and pain of the outside of it, as follows:
“(For) verily you will be neither hungry therein, nor naked.”
“And that you shall not be thirsty therein nor suffer (the beat of) the sun.”
In the abovementioned couple of verses, the Qur’an has pointed to four elementary and essential necessities of man, i.e. the necessity of food, water, clothing, and housing (a cover against the heat of the sun).
فَوَسْوَسَ إِلَّيْهِ الشَّيْطَانُ قَالَ يَآ ادَمُ هَلْ أَدُلُّكَ عَلَي شَجَرَةِ الْخُلْدِ وَمُلْكٍ لاَّ يَبْلَي
فَاَكَلاَ مِنْهَا فَبَدَتْ لَهُمَا سَوْءَاتُهُمَا وَطَفِقَا يَخْصِفَانِ عَلَيْهِمَا مِن وَرَقِ الْجَنَّةِ وَعَصَي ءَادَمُ رَبَّهُ فَغَوَي
120. “Then Satan whispered (evil suggestions) to him, saying: ‘O Adam! Shall I guide you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that never decays?” 121. “So they both ate of it (the forbidden tree), then their shameful parts became exposed to them, and they both took to stitching upon themselves leaves of the Garden. And (thus) Adam disobeyed his Lord, and went astray.”
Another name of Iblis is Satan, as the holy Qur’an says:
“…They all prostrated except Iblis…”
“Then Satan whispered (evil suggestions) to him…”
It was before the rank of prophethood that Adam was whispered evil suggestions to. 2
Sayyid-ibn-Tawus in a delicate statement says that, at first, Satan came to Adam with the claim of guidance and said:
“O Adam! Shall I guide you…?”,
and then he (Satan) caused them both to fall by deceit.3
Now, woe unto us! For, Satan comes to us from the beginning with the intention of deceiving us.
The Qur’an says:
“He said: ‘Then by Your Might I will surely make them live an evil life, all”.4
However, Satan had decided to be an enemy of Adam, therefore he did not sit still, and, as the verse says:
“Then Satan whispered (evil suggestions) to him, saying: ‘O Adam! Shall I guide you to the Tree of Eternity and to a kingdom that never decays?”
In fact, Satan thought to what the willing of Adam was and he found that he wished an eternal life and reaching to an imperishable power. Therefore, in order to drive him to disobeying the command of Allah, he makes use of these two factors.
Finally, what should not be done was done.
The verse in this regard, and that why their heavenly clothes wholly collapsed, says:
“So they both ate of it (the forbidden tree), then their shameful parts became exposed to them…”
When Adam and Eve saw that event, they immediately made clothes for themselves out of the leaves of the trees of Heaven to cover the shameful parts of their bodies.
The verse continues saying:
“…and they both took to stitching upon themselves leaves of the Garden...”
Yes, at last, Adam disobeyed his Lord and was deprived from His reward.
The verse says:
“…And (thus) Adam disobeyed his Lord, and went astray.”
ثُمَّ اجْتَبَاهُ رَبُّهُ فَتَابَ عَلَيْهِ وَهَدَي
قَالَ اهْبِطَا مِنْهَا جَمِيعاً بَعْضُكُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ فَإِمَّا يَأْتِيَنَّكُم مِنّـِي هُدي فَمَنِ اتَّبَعَ هُدَايَ فَلاَ يَضِلُّ وَلاَ يَشْقَي
122. “Then his Lord chose him, so He turned unto him (mercifully) and guided him.” 123. “(Allah) said: ‘Get you down, both of you, all together, from it (the Garden), with enmity one to another. So if there comes to you a guidance from Me, then (be sure) whoever follows My guidance, will not lose his way nor fall into misery.”
The Arabic term /’ijtiba’/ is derived from /jibayah/ in the sense of: ‘picking out, selection, and choice’.
The Qur’anic word /taba/ means ‘a person’s penitence’ when it is accompanied with /’ila/, like /tubtu’ilayka/ (I repented to you), but if it is said with /‘ala/ it is considered the repentance and return of Allah, like what is recited in the abovementioned holy verse, which means ‘Allah (s.w.t.) returned His Grace to the servant’.
But since Adam was essentially pure and faithful, and acted along the path of Allah’s pleasure, and that this fault which encompassed him as a result of Satan’s temptation was an exceptional happening, Allah did deprive him from His Grace forever; but after this event, Allah accepted his repentance and guided him.
The verse says:
“Then his Lord chose him, so He turned unto him (mercifully) and guided him.”
Yes, the repentance of Adam was accepted, but he had performed something that his return to the early position was impossible. Therefore, Allah commanded him and Eve both to come down from Heaven on to the earth, together with Satan, while they would be enemy with each other.
The holy verse says:
“(Allah) said: ‘Get you down, both of you, all together, from it (the Garden), with enmity one to another...”
Yet, they should know that the way of prosperity and salvation is always open to them.
Then Allah says:
“…So if there comes to you a guidance from Me, then (be sure) whoever follows My guidance, will not lose his way nor fall into misery.”
وَمَنْ أَعْرَضَ عَن ذِكْرِي فإِنَّ لَهُ مَعِيشَةً ضَنكاً وَنَحْشُرُهُ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ أَعْمَي
قَالَ رَبِّ لِمَ حَشَرْتَنِي أَعْمَي وَقَدْ كُنتُ بَصِيراً
124. “And whoever turns away from My remembrance verily for him is a life straitened, and the Day of Resurrection We shall raise him blind.” 125. “He will say: ‘My Lord! Why have You raised me blind, whereas indeed I was a seeing one (in the world)?’”
The previous verse was a glad tidings to the followers of the Truth, while this verse is a warning to those who turn away from the Truth. This is because dread and encouragement might be mentioned beside each other and become fruitful.
Some Islamic literatures indicate that leaving the path of mastership of Ahlul-Bayt (as), as well as leaving the duty of Hajj, have been counted as the denotation expansion of aversion the remembrance of Allah (s.w.t.).5
The purpose of ‘straits of life’ is not lack of money and straitened circumstances, while many of the rich, because of greed, fear, and anxiety, live in hardship and straits.
And, in order to make clear the circumstance of those who neglect the command of Allah, too, the Qur’an adds:
“And whoever turns away from My remembrance verily for him is a life straitened, and the Day of Resurrection We shall raise him blind.”
In principle, the straits of life are often for the spiritual deficiencies and the absence of the soul’s nutrition. This status is for the uncertainty of man due to the future and the fear of annihilation of the existing material potentialities, and too much dependence on the material world. Therefore, he who has faith in Allah, and is hopeful to His Pure Essence, is safe from all these anxieties.
In Hereafter, such a neglectful person may ask Allah this question, as the verse says:
“He will say: ‘My Lord! Why have You raised me blind, whereas indeed I was a seeing one (in the world)?’”
قَالَ كَذَلِكَ أَتَتْكَ ءَايَاتُنَا فَنَسِيتَهَا وَكَذَلِكَ الْيَوْمَ تُنسَي
وَكَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي مَنْ أَسْرَفَ وَلَمْ يُؤْمِن بِاَيَاتِ رَبّـِهِ وَلَعَذَابُ الاَخِرَةِ أَشَدُّ وَأَبْقَي
126. “(Allah) will say: ‘Even so, Our Signs came to you, but you neglected them; in like manner you are forgotten this Day’.” 127. “And thus We recompense him who is prodigal and does not believe in the Signs of his Lord and certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter is more grievous and more lasting.”
Prayer is one of the clear expansions of the remembrance of Allah.
Allah in the Qur’an says;
“…established prayer for My remembrance”6,
and it is evident that whoever remembers Allah, He will remember him, too.
This is the promise of Allah Who says:
“…remember Me, and I will remember you”7
And, naturally, those who forget Allah, He may also leave them alone.
The verse says:
“(Allah) will say: ‘Even so, Our Signs came to you, but you neglected them; in like manner you are forgotten this Day’.”
The holy Prophet (S) said:
“He who recites the Qur’an and does not act accordingly, Allah will muster him blind. That servant may Ask Allah why he is raised blind, and then there comes a voice commanding the angels to take him into Hell”.8
Concerning the Qur’anic phrase /’atatka’ayatuna/
“Even so, Our Signs came to you”,
Imam Sadiq (as) in a tradition said:
“The Immaculate Imams are the signs of Allah and he who abandon them will be left in Fire on the Day of Hereafter”.9
However, on the Day of Resurrection, a guilty person will say:
“…My Lord! Why have you raised me blind, whereas indeed I was a seeing one (in the world)?”
In answer to him, immediately it will be said to such a guilty person:
“Even so, Our Signs came to you, but you neglected them; in like manner you are forgotten this Day”,
and your eye is blind to see the bounties of Allah and the station of His nearness.
Finally, as a conclusion, the Qur’an says:
“And thus We recompense him who is prodigal and does not believe in the Signs of his Lord and certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter is more grievous and more lasting.”
أَفَلَمْ يَهْدِ لَهُمْ كَمْ أَهْلَكْنَا قَبْلَهُم مّـِنَ الْقُرُونِ يَمْشُونَ فِي مَسَاكِنِهِمْ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لاَيَاتٍ لأُوْلِي النُّهَي
وَلَوْلاَ كَلِمَةٌ سَبَقَتْ مِن رَّبّـِكَ لَكَانَ لِزَاماً وَأَجَلٌ مُسَمًّي
128. “Does it not then guide such men (to call to mind) how many of the generations We did destroy before them, amid whose dwellings they (today) walk about? Verily there are signs in this for those (endowed) with understanding.” 129. “And had there not been a decree that went forth before from your Lord and an appointed term, (their punishment) would necessarily have come.”
The Arabic term /nuha/ is the plural form of /nuhyah/ which means something that prohibits man from doing some indecent things. In Arabic, the ‘intellect’ is called /nuhyah/ since it dissuades man from the low desires. Therefore, the true intellect, besides thinking and understanding, causes man to ward off some dangers and vices.
The Qur’anic word /qarn/ means a nation or a group of people who live in the same time. It is sometimes used for the time itself, too. The Arabic term /lizam/ means ‘a necessary and firm affair’.
And, in view of the fact that in the previous verses several matters concerning the sinners were discussed, this verse has pointed to one of the best and the most effective ways of awareness, i.e. the careful study of the history of the former generations.
It says:
“Does it not then guide such men (to call to mind) how many of the generations We did destroy before them…”
Those men are the same people who were involved with the painful punishment of Allah and, now, these people haunt their ruined houses.
In their different travels to Yemen, travelers may see the houses of the people of ‘Ad, and in their way to Syria they confront the ruined dwellings of the people of Thamud, and in their voyage to Palestine they pass by the houses of the people of Lot, which had been destroyed upside down. They usually see their trucks but they do not take an example.
Yes, in this regard the verse says:
“…amid whose dwellings they (today) walk about? Verily there are signs in this for those (endowed) with understanding.”
The matter of ‘taking an example’ from the history of the former nations is one of the subjects on which the Qur’an and Islamic traditions have emphasized very much.
A tradition narrated from the Prophet of Islam (S) indicates that the Messenger of Allah said:
“The most neglectful people is he who takes no admonition from the change of the world.”
And he does not contemplate on the turns of days and nights.
The next verse, indeed, is an answer to the question which may arise here, asking why Allah does not arrange the same thing upon this group of sinners that He arranged for the former sinners.
The holy Qur’an says:
“And had there not been a decree that went forth before from your Lord and an appointed term, (their punishment) would necessarily have come.”
This ‘Divine decree’ is an indication to the command of creation containing the freedom of human kind.
Since, if any guilty person immediately and without any respite be punished, faith and righteous deeds may become nearly constrained and compelling, and they will often be done because of fear and terror of immediate punishment. Thus, in this case, it will not be a means of development, which is the main goal.
Moreover, if it were judged that all wrong doers should be punished at once, there would remain no one alive on the earth.10
Therefore, there should be a respite for the sinners until they might be aware and pave the path of improvement, and all the travelers of the path of truth also find an opportunity for self-improvement.